9:24 p.m.

The boys who live in the building next door have a really interesting habit of changing the For Rent signs in front of the buildings on the street. Apparently, it's hilarious to give passersby the ideas that, rather than a 3-bedroom apartment, they live in an 8-bedroom apartment, and I, rather than having a 1-bedroom, actually live in an 11-bedroom. Who knew I had such luxury? Who knew that elementary school humour was still funny?

I'm in one hell of a bad mood. My idiot car is back at the mechanic, after only a week of being "functional." Last night, I was driving home, and everything started flashing, lights started dimming, and a light on the dashboard told me to downshift. Mind you, I'm not exactly used to being told by my car what gear to be in. Just a little odd. Before everyone floods me with suggestions of what it could be, I'm already pretty convinced that it's the alternator, and unless you are greasy and wearing a shirt with your name on it, I probably will not be listening to what you have to say.

Speaking of which, this time I have taken my car to the Saturn dealership. Say what you will, I just feel more comfortable doing things my way. Not to mention the fact that guys do NOT understand what it's like to be a woman, and have a person talk down to you, attempt to take advantage of you, and actually cause MORE damage to your vehicle simply because you don't have a penis. Tell me I'm overreacting, and I'd like to tell you a story about how a mechanic intentionally ruined my car, by breaking something I had just replaced not a month earlier.

See? Bad mood. Me.

Also, I'm really disenchanted with the members of the faculty in my program. And the dean of the college. And the whole fucking state of Kentucky. Hi, we rank last in education. Please cut our funding even more. That will help.

Plus, I have this question: What do you do when one of the people who may or may not grade your master's exam doesn't agree with anyone else in the department on the difference between a construct and a principle? He tried for 2.5 hours today to explain it to a group of five of us...I finally told him that he really wasn't helping, and that I personally had checked out of the conversation about 15 minutes prior. So, if I give him the answer he wants, someone else will fail me. If I give him the correct answer, he will fail me. How on earth do you win? Teachers with tenure are scary. I think the man has hard core dementia; unfortunately I am stuck kissing his crazy ass for the next two years.

Assuming that my car is functional by the weekend, I will be headed to my parents' house. Yes, I just can't wait to be surrounded with swarms of cicadas. However, I am very excited about the fact that my mom is taking me to the zoo.

The zoo! I love the zoo!

I need a job, and fast. I'm quite a bit tempted to start selling hand jobs for crack, but I hear that you have to carry your own lube.

I loathe my summer school class. It's so damn boring that I have to eat something during the whole class period just to keep from nodding off. Baby carrot sticks, you have saved my life.


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23