12:35 p.m.
We are all made of stars.

I think I slept for maybe 3 hours last night. I have these painkillers that I take sometimes, and for some reason when I do, they keep me up all night.

For most people, they get knocked out. I'm just special, I suppose.

I watched Mallrats last night, people, and honestly? I was disappointed. I generally really enjoy Kevin Smith movies, but this one just didn't hit the mommy button. For one thing, the acting was terrible. TERRIBLE!

And it felt like the whole script was totally contrived and unfunny. I hope that I'm not pissing people off too terribly.

I think I'm going to go do some shopping today. I really, really want some satin sheets. I've got a need to do some minor redecorating of my bedroom, and I think this is the perfect way.

While I was awake overnight, I was watching an episode of Dr. 90210. If you aren't familiar with this gem, it's a reality show on E(!) that follows the life of one Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeon in particular, with a few others offering up their 2 cents. I really don't understand the purpose of the other doctors. I mean, it's not Drs. 90210. It's not "Beverly Hills plastic surgeon and pals."

Anyway. Last night, there was a particularly upsetting episode. A woman was having a vaginal reconstructive surgery. She was of Middle Eastern descent, and couldn't have her identity revealed. In her culture, if a woman is not a virgin when she gets married, her family has the right to stone her to death.

Oh, you read that correctly.

As a feminist therapist, I try my best to be understanding of the cultures from which people come. Even though I may not agree with nuances of any particular culture, it is still important to see where a person is coming from and to not expect him or her to relinquish those traditions because they don't fit with my ehtnocentric ideals.

But here's my biggest problem with this: The woman hadn't even had sex. At least not in my definition. She was raped.

So basically, she was paying a Beverly Hills surgeon assloads of money to have a hymen replaced for her new husband, because some asshole earlier in life had taken it away from her.

People, this makes me physically sick. And if it doesn't upset you, I don't want to know you.

Okay, that's harsh. But holy crap, people! Talk about victim-blaming in its most fundamental of ways.

Trading Spaces is really pissing me off. I read online that if the designers go over budget, the producers basically just pay the money. No matter what. So why on earth do they make such a production out of the budget? I'm watching an episode now where they're basically leaving a room totally unfinished because the designer bought bad supplies, and they ran out of time. I mean, the room is totally empty, and there are power tools lying out in the middle of the floor. For fuck's sake, is the government going to come after them? No. Have I seen them take extra time to finish up other rooms? Yes.

Basically, they're doing this for the drama. And of course, I'm totally buying into it. Jesus hell, people.

At least next Saturday, there are 2 episodes of Trading Spaces with Vern Yip on. He hasn't been on a single episode yet this season. Go look. I'm not kidding you.

I bought the Garden State soundtrack the other day. It's fantastic. I highly recommend it. I'm so obsessed with this movie.

I have so damn much stuff to do to prepare for class tomorrow. This is why I'm going shopping. La.

My nipple started hurting out of the blue the other day. It STILL hurts! I don't understand what's going on. Just one nipple. It keeps getting super-hard and painful. Gak.


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23