11:09 p.m.
La spastica

It's been one of those totally exhaustive, yet spastic weeks.
Except for the whole part where I decided to disappear from my class the first part of the week, because, well, I hate my classes, and I'm starting to hate my program and sometimes I have to step away from it.

We're showing this video all week in my psychology labs. It's called 42 up. It was directed by the guy who did Nell and some other stuff, but basically it follows the lives of about 14 kids, every seven years, from the time they were 7 on, and now they're 42. We're only showing 2 segments from it. I really was bored to tears with it, but I think it's stupified me, because now I want to watch the whole thing. Is that weird?

Anyway, I'm such a spastic freak when it comes to operating Audio/Visual equipment. Yesterday, in the second lab I teach (yes, I teach 2 labs Mondays and Wednesdays, back to back. It's fun. Really), I had a tv/vcr reserved. So, they bring it to me, and the vcr is, literally, from the era of Beta. Not kidding. I mean, the thing was OLD. Wires sticking out left and right.

So, I tried to show the tape, and we had video, but no sound. So, I bounced over to the room next door, and announced to my friend Mike, the ambiguously gay TA, who was teaching the same class in the room directly next door to me (he should really have his own theme song), that we would be joining his class. He graciously allowed me to do so. We had, literally, 60 kids crammed into a tiny room in one of the main buildings on campus.

That was quite nice of him. And somehow, he had been given some brand-spanking new state of the art vcr/dvd combo. But, we still couldn't figure the damn thing out. It took about 5 of us working on it before we got it working. And Mike and I have degrees. In psychology, but still.

Degrees, people. And look how much good it does.

Today I had some similar a/v problems, but no one nearby to help me out, so I had to actually ASK someone in authority. As it turns out, sometimes I don't read all of the directions before I start operating machinery. Which I knew already. I get bored easily, you know.


Today, I got my midterm grade back from my psychopathology class, as well as the grade from the presentation I did on opiate abuse from THE WEEK I WENT INSANE, as the roommate and I affectionately call it. It's the time I was damn near evicted for being such a bitch.

I got a 98 on the presentation and a 96 on the midterm. It's my diary, and I'll gloat if I want to.

Also, during a rather un-lively discussion about development in my lab I was teaching today, one of the students happened to mention that he had wanted to be a fireman when he was little. I asked why, knowing full well that it was probably because you got to drive a big truck and slide down the pole. But I thought the phrase "slide down a pole" was too provocative, so I opted for "Use big hose."

Which was a HUGE mistake. The class broke into laughter and I literally had no control for about 5 minutes. But I kept laughing as well.

It's Matt's birthday today. Wish him a happy birthday! We did the presents and cake and Taco Bell for dinner. Apparently when one reaches a quarter of a century old, one wants nothing more than to run for the border. Who knew?

I'm such an outstanding roommate/best friend that I actually thought his big day was Saturday until this morning when I read his diary. oops.

This weekend, I'm very excited. I'm going to the Green Day concert with my friend Niki. We're staying with the 'rents, because the concert is in Cincinnati. And then we're doing brunch Sunday morning with Gina, the engaged former roommate, whom I haven't seen in forever and a day.

Um, I don't know what else there is to report. I can't drink enough sweet tea of late. I've lost Jordan again.

Ah. I feel like people who have children or spouses/partners get special consideration in school. Especially in my program. It's frustrating. So, just because you've already saddled yourself with a family at 25 means that I have to rearrange MY schedule because I planned better than you did? I don't think so. I just think that if you want to start your family early on, or if you go back to school, you have to be prepared for the fact that you will have to make sacrifices. I don't see why I should be the flexible one simply because I only have myself (and the cats, really) to think about. Perhaps that's really selfish of me, but I particularly have no sympathy for people who are really young with spouses and kids already. What's the rush? And if you're so anxious to be a housewife, why on earth are you in a graduate program???

I've been given 2 clients in the past week. While that's great news, I'm a little stressed by this information. Especially because I will be also running a support group for kids whose parents were incarcerated at a local school. That's a lot to take on, I think. Plus, I had no option about this one client I have. It was just sort of thrown on my lap. Whatever.

Okay, is it me, or are they handing out those "Support Our Troops" stickers when you BUY a truck. Or when you get it worked on. Or when you buy gas. I've not seen a truck without one in many, many months. Also, is it me, or is Bush running on a "John Kerry is more liberal than Ted Kennedy" platform? I mean, every time I see him giving a speech, that's the only thing he says. And what's wrong with being liberal? I don't know HOW Bush feels about the fact that women still make 80 cents on the dollar in Kentucky, and 78 cents on a man's dollar, which is the national average. Odd that Kentucky is above the national average. But anyway. I don't know how Bush feels about the fact that we incarcerate non-violent criminals caught smoking pot at least TWICE as long as we incarcerate someone convicted of a rape. But I do know that John Kerry has said that it's a priority to him, and as a woman, and a rape survivor, (and a pot-smoking one, when I can get my hands on it), it's important to me.

That is all, and my fingers are tired, from responding to so many frantic students, needing midterm grade reports that I'm officially taking a hiatus from my computer for the rest of the night. In a minute. After I check the new schedule and my requirements for next semester. And check my email one more time.


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23