6:35 p.m.
This is my requisite long entry about nothing.

I used to think that the worst possible way to wake up was the way my mom used to do it...she would rip the warm and secure covers off of my body, and spray me with cold water. That, my friends, is just cruel. But, I was wrong. Last night (or rather, this morning, I guess), I discovered the worst way to wake up - being bitten.

I don't understand Jack (this is not an idiom, as in "I don't understand anything." I don't understand Jack, the obese cat). Sometimes, out of nowhere, he will start meowing, and when that happens, you know that it's really a warning sign. He leaps at you and chomps down with the most forceful jaws I've ever felt. I guess when all you do all day long is either eat, chew food, or bite people, you strengthen your jaws. I am battle-scarred.

While the animals always keep me up at night, by fighting or ripping at my mattress, I have never before been bitten while trying to sleep. I felt so helpless and infuriated that I just started crying. I so badly wanted to just throw him out the window, but didn't want to put any part of my body in jeaopardy by going near him. It sounds ridiculous to be so dramatic about a stupid animal bite, but it literally burned, like when you fall off your bike as a kid and skin your knee. And it was right on my shoulder (and forearm, and upper arm).

Anyway, I saw Constantine last night. I thought it was a good idea, but I think people who were raised Catholic would find it more believable than I did, because it was full of dogma. The entire movie was based around the idea that a person who commits suicide goes to hell. Assumikng that there are these dichotomous "locations" where your soul goes to eternity, I don't believe that it happens this way. So, people who live a good life, are self-sacrificing, and do everything that is asked of them STILL go to hell, just because they experienced mental illness at the end of their life?

I can remember having an argument with my friend Lori in high school over this. I think that someone who attempts or commits suicide is sick (not sick as in "god, that person is a terrible and selfish person." but sick as in "not well"). So, why would they be shut out because of that? Someone wouldn't be kept out because they died of cancer. As far as I can see, this is someone dying as the result of an illness, like depression, or schizophrenia. I just don't get it. And does that mean that if you've ever attempted suicide, you can't get in, or is it just the people who are successful? That doesn't make any sense.

On to something very different, I don't think that the Olsen twins are at all attractive. They don't look normal. They have these big doe eyes and huge lips, and tiny, skeletal frames. If you're going to be voluptuous, you need something on the bottom to balance out all the stuff on top. Otherwise, you look just like a lollipop. Big, pouty lips deserve curves. Speaking from an evolutionary psychology perspective, their facial features are supposed to be signs of fertility. Men respond to these signals that women send out (assuming a heterosexual context here, so we're leaving out one to three percent of the population), because they need to spread the seed and pass on the genes. Big lips, big eyes, full hips, and a waist-to-hip ratio of about 0.7 (try it, and see how attractive you are - ha!). And so it seems out of balance that they have these tiny frames that couldn't possibly carry a child. They'd snap like twigs. I find it hard to believe that they even wear a size 0. I think they still shop in the kids' department.

I know, that's a little tangential, but it was something I thought about today.

I actually made brownies from scratch yesterday. How grand is that? It was part of Casey's Valentine's Day present (if you'll remember, we had to celebrate a little later, since we had a delay in the gift area). I got his mom's recipe for brownies, because he was always talking about how good they are. I also got him the extended versions of the first 2 LOTR movies, since he got the third for Christmas. That may have been a bad idea, since that's 4 discs of stuff. Oh, and also I got him some underwear, to make it all romantical or something. Casey enlarged the picture of us from Adult Prom (the party we went to on New Year's Eve) and bought a frame that was engraved. It was so incredibly sweet. I also have extra copies of the pictures so that I can do whatever I want with them. So, that was really nice.

I used to like The West Wing. I mean, it was never my favorite show, but I looked forward to watching it. I really am not liking this season. I preferred the show to be about the West Wing, not to be following a bunch of idiots on the campaign trail. The storyline is always the same...Josh has an idea to get Matt some publicity. Matt fights it because he wants to win based on integrity and morals. They butt heads all episode (with a few clips of Donna and Will interspersed), and then Matt comes up with something that seems like it will send the campaign into the right direction, Josh is happy, cut to the credits.

It's getting old. Where is Bartlett, dammit?

My cat is sleeping on top of the computer. I don't know how he can do that.

My supervisor wanted to have a talk with me the other day because apparently the professors are noticing that I'm constantly tired. I've got to figure out how to get some rest at night. I actually changed my sheets last night. I love the satin sheets, but I don't think they're that great to sleep on because my pillow slides around all night, and the covers always fall off of the bed. So, maybe this change will help.

I think I'm finished here. Back to my evening of being holed up in my room.


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23