8:56 p.m.

I pretty desperately need a life. Last night, I was up for hours looking for either sheet music to, or an mp3 file of, The Hebrides Suite, a song I remember playing in high school band. And then I remembered that whatever little musical phrase I kept re-playing in my head wasn't atually a part of that song, but of another. And that's really sad.

In the past week, I was hired at, and subsequently quit, a job at Kohl's. For some reason, ever since my surgery, I cannot stand up for long periods of time. I get all nauseous. So tomorrow, I have another interview.

Not much has happened in my life lately. So, I'm doing a Friday Five. But not the most recent one, cause it's a bummer. Anyway.

1. What is your favorite action movie?
Um, I'm not crazy about them, but if I had to pick, I'd say Fight Club. Although that's not really even considered an action movie, I guess.

2. What is the worst movie you've ever seen?
That's easy. Weeeennnndigo.

3. Do you prefer comedy or drama?
Comedy, if it's actually funny. I haven't seen a funny comedy in a while, though.

4. Recommend a good tear jerker:
Sweet November. Sobbed. Like a baby.

5. What movie are you looking forward to seeing soon?
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. And, in the more distant future, The Rum Diaries.

And that's all.


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23