6:00 p.m.
I sometimes feel like Peter Pan. Only not as girly as he was. I almost never wear tights.

So, at long last, it seems as though the move is complete. All of Casey's belongings are in the apartment (even if they aren't totally arranged yet), and Matt, save for a few items that he has accidentally (maybe) left behind, is completely out. I was really sad on Saturday when he stopped by to bring his keys back and everything. I really, really hope that the fact that he's living with the boyfriend in another city doesn't result in emotional distance between us.

It's so weird. All I can think anymore is I live with my boyfriend now. That's so grown up. I'm not old enough for this. But I probably will never think that I'm old enough. I still get the giggles when people ask me if I have children, even though I'm a year older than my mom was when I was born, and she had to wait years for me to come. Weird.

One great thing about this moving is that, with all of Casey's bookshelves, I got to rearrange all my of books, too, and put them on display. Now we look quite well-educated with all of our overpriced textbooks out for the world to see. But while going through my things, I came across several books I didn't even know I had, and I hadn't read them yet. So now I'm in the process of reading Naked Pictures of Famous People by Jon Stewart, and after that, I delve into a book about how all of these well-known people first discovered sex. Both were Christmas presents, I think.

I always feel guilty if I have books sitting out that I haven't read yet.

You know what commercial I fucking hate? The one where the woman is talking about sending out Christmas cards, and all of the sudden, she whips out a picture of her dead baby. I mean, don't get me wrong. Dead babies are sad and all, but that seems like a giant ploy for attention. It's creepy. And no one sends out Christmas cards in August, jackass. I just don't think dead babies belong in Christmas cards. That's really much more of a Sweetest Day thing, don't you think?

The 'Festivus' episode of Seinfeld is on right now. Squee.

Next week is the series finale of Queer as Folk. Just when things start happening, they're ending the show. I intend to cry. A lot.

We saw 'The Island' on Friday evening. It brought up a lot of really interesting thoughts for me. I don't want to quite spoil what goes on, although I didn't really like the film. For one thing, it was waaaaay too long for me (anything over 2 hours, and I start zoning out), but it had a few plot holes, and was not entirely well-executed. I still have a really difficult time when it comes to the concept of eugenics, and really, just anything dealing with human embryo research. I think for me, it all kind of stems back to the abortion debate (because it seems to raise questions, at its core, about where life truly begins). Anyone who knows me is aware of the fact that it, more than anything else, is something I have a hard time dealing with. I mean, here I am, this really liberal feminist woman, and I still really struggle with this issue. I understand both sides, and probably had I not been adopted (because my conception was an accidental chance encounter between two people who were barely in high school), it wouldn't weigh so heavily on my mind. Anyway, the movie raised a lot of interesting debates in my head, so at least if I'm bored, I can marinate all of it.

At one point, I actually almost threw up during the movie. That's just an aside.

I'm off to enjoy Festivus for the rest of us.


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23