square square
2002-06-30 - My windshield of death
2002-06-28 - Oreos in the bathroom
2002-06-28 - "She bloves me, she bloves me not..."
2002-06-27 - "And don't call me 'mom'!"
2002-06-26 - Finding an apartment
2002-06-25 - You go to hell. You go to hell and you die.
2002-06-24 - My body is NOT a wonderland.
2002-06-24 - Basking in the glow of self-loathing
2002-06-23 - My birthday weekend extravaganza. or something
2002-06-22 - Happy birthday to me. no, really. happy birthday.
2002-06-21 - I'm SOOOO responsible. Really.
2002-06-20 - Stages of drinking
2002-06-20 - Stages of drinking
2002-06-19 - This computer is depressing
2002-06-18 - Fucking "Jim-Bob" can rot in hell.
2002-06-17 - Excessive t.v. discussion
2002-06-16 - Translation
6/16/2002 - i am drunks
2002-06-15 - Overshare of the century
2002-06-14 - "We lay all kinds"
2002-06-13 - Hotel California?
2002-06-13 - Skanky's Bistro
2002-06-11 - Sexy...kinda
2002-06-10 - Just call me Ted Schmidt
2002-06-09 - My mom fucking rules!
2002-06-08 - Can't sleep!
2002-06-07 - The search begins
2002-06-07 - No more drunken entry for you!
2002-06-06 - How can I direct YOUR penis?
2002-06-05 - Get me through this day!
2002-06-03 - Fun times and superfluous profilactics
2002-06-02 - Lazy Sunday!
2002-06-01 - More yin and yang
2002-05-31 - More nothing!
2002-05-30 - no sleep = self-discovery
2002-05-30 - Breaking news...
2002-05-29 - I've got moves, baby.
2002-05-26 - Ladies' night and life in the fort.
2002-05-23 - Carry me home!
2002-05-22 - Don't call me Carrie.
2002-05-22 - More randomness...I love sleep!
2002-05-20 - I love busy work!
2002-05-19 - 30% Lesbian
2002-05-18 - One wedding down...
2002-05-17 - You're fired!
2002-05-16 - I'm going to Kansas city!
2002-05-15 - No nap for me.
2002-05-14 - So much to say
2002-05-13 - -
2002-05-12 - And we're still alive!
2002-05-10 - Devil children
2002-05-09 - My world has been rocked.
2002-05-08 - The uterus, part II
2002-05-07 - The bitch is back
2002-05-06 - Toot, toot!
2002-05-04 - Nothing to say.
2002-05-03 - Can I get a woo woo?
2002-05-02 - Boring job!
2002-05-01 - Love Soon! Love Soon!
2002-04-30 - New shower curtain
2002-04-27 - Your racist friend
2002-04-27 - Polyps
2002-04-26 - Fun music survey
2002-04-25 - I'm happeny
2002-04-24 - I'm fucking sleepy!
2002-04-23 - I want to take a nap.
2002-04-21 - Another pointless entry
2002-04-20 - Margarita party!
2002-04-19 - A/C Battle
2002-04-17 - Scratch me
2002-04-16 - A little rant...
2002-04-15 - Whee! I'm far too cool for any of you!
2002-04-15 - Eat your pot, kiddies.
2002-04-15 - I'm a FREAK
2002-04-13 - Fung Woo!
2002-04-11 - A little pick-me-up
2002-04-10 - Excrement and washer fun!
2002-04-09 - And I haven't even taken any NyQuil today!
2002-04-08 - My stomach = boo
2002-04-07 - Gay with my stupid hair.
2002-04-07 - We fucking rule!
2002-04-05 - Beaux Arts and my personality
2002-04-04 - What's YOUR fetish?
2002-04-03 - Procrastinating!
2002-04-03 - You want this ASS.
2002-04-02 - Still ill!
2002-04-01 - Getting sick!
2002-03-31 - Hungover like a motherfucker
2002-03-29 - What a busy weekend, for a Friday!
2002-03-29 - Exhausted ramblings
2002-03-27 - Broke!
2002-03-26 - Another crisis averted in 222
2002-03-26 - Chartreuse
2002-03-25 - Absolutely nothing to talk about...
2002-03-24 - The best laid plans...
2002-03-23 - Happy Birthday, Becky!
2002-03-22 - More Wookie Goodness
2002-03-21 - Backsliding slowly...please help.
2002-03-21 - All night sex-a-thon
2002-03-20 - Nothing! Yay!
2002-03-19 - I must meet this person who lives above me.
2002-03-18 - Weird dreams, weirder outfits.
2002-03-17 - Return of the mack!
2002-03-17 - Feeling wiggly
2002-03-15 - Drowned rodent
2002-03-15 - And it's back to dysfunction as usual
2002-03-14 - High School Basketball = fun?
2002-03-13 - Stupid spoiled goth kids
2002-03-12 - No orange pants for you!
2002-03-12 - Gap outlet for me!
2002-03-11 - Happy Birthday, Amanda!
2002-03-11 - MTV Cribs
2002-03-11 - emotional distance
2002-03-11 - I have zero coherent thoughts.
2002-03-10 - It's 8:30! Do you know where your children are?
2002-03-09 - Ugly
2002-03-09 - Dude, where's my car?
2002-03-08 - I'm fozzie, I'm a paticanite, and I'm a weenie.
2002-03-08 - We have a fan club!
2002-03-08 - Damn the stupid exorcist people!
2002-03-07 - Pheddy!
2002-03-07 - I'm sick.
2002-03-07 - i' like to teach the wolrd to sing in perfect harmone.
2002-03-06 - Memories!
2002-03-06 - Weird kid!
2002-03-06 - Touch my face!
2002-03-05 - Dinner with Dan!
2002-03-05 - I'm a slut!
2002-03-04 - Girl, you'll be a domestic goddess soon
2002-03-04 - Caught in a windstorm
2002-03-03 - Mole talk
2002-03-03 - Another series of thoughts on love.
2002-03-03 - get me out of this hell-hole
2002-03-02 - Pumpkins DVD
2002-03-02 - Keep it to yourself, it's my life.
2002-03-02 - Toast bandit
2002-03-01 - Woo! No sense! I make no sense!
2002-03-01 - The Ball!
2002-02-28 - Beat ya to it!
2002-02-28 - I wanna dance barefoot!
2002-02-28 - Sappy poo
2002-02-27 - Holy random thoughts, Batman!
2002-02-26 - Jean Luc
2002-02-26 - Munch up or shut up!
2002-02-25 - 200 lame-o entries!
2002-02-25 - Princess Party
2002-02-24 - Nazi bastards!
2002-02-24 - My Vagina Cheerleader!
2002-02-22 - Alyssa for Band Geek!
2002-02-22 - My mom is swell.
2002-02-21 - Greetings, from Sunny Yugoslavia!
2002-02-21 - Ugh.
2002-02-21 - hi!
2002-02-20 - Vagina night
2002-02-19 - NyQuil buzz
2002-02-19 - Becky rules!
2002-02-19 - Becky's guest entry
2002-02-19 - DIARYRINGS PAGE
2002-02-18 - roommates
2002-02-18 - food and latex
2002-02-17 - Sorry!
2002-02-17 - i may be drunk
2002-02-16 - Giant bubblegum
2002-02-16 - A beautiful mind.
2002-02-15 - Mom came to town.
2002-02-15 - Drunken frieds!
2002-02-14 - No love for you!
2002-02-13 - Avast ye scurvy whores!
2002-02-13 - Mom's losing it!
2002-02-13 - Trailer trash goodness and Drunken Willy
2002-02-12 - And the Valentine's Day party drops to one.
2002-02-12 - a-LYSS-a
2002-02-11 - Dishwasher debacle
2002-02-10 - Casey's birthday festivities
2002-02-09 - and happy birthday, Casey!
2002-02-08 - The Poo Canal
2002-02-07 - Slacker!
2002-02-06 - Ode to the Willinator
2002-02-05 - Eat my ass!
2002-02-05 - No shaving cream
2002-02-04 - You may not believe this, but this entry is about sex!
2002-02-03 - Horoscope predictions
2002-02-02 - My parents are odd!
2002-02-01 - Beaver party?
2002-02-01 - Fun muchly!
2002-01-31 - Procrastination + Anger = another entry!
2002-01-30 - No penis?
2002-01-30 - Pop Rocks candy! Woo hoo!
2002-01-29 - What is wrong with the boys?
2002-01-29 - Nerd-o-rama
2002-01-28 - I should join the Glee Club.
2002-01-27 - Save-A-Lot and the Levee
2002-01-26 - I love pie!
2002-01-24 - Geeks, Dweebs, and Weirdos
2002-01-23 - More deviant fun!
2002-01-22 - Make your own fun
2002-01-21 - I get my kicks from tv - so what?
2002-01-20 - Charlie O's
2002-01-20 - Boo.
2002-01-20 - The morning after
2002-01-19 - My pledge to you
2002-01-18 - Fire in the hole!
2002-01-18 - Deviance
2002-01-17 - My tattoo! Whee!
2002-01-16 - Grumpy-pants
2002-01-15 - Salute the duck
2002-01-14 - Hula Hoops!
2002-01-14 - My remote suddenly weighs 50 pouds.
2002-01-13 - Every muscle in my body aches from head to toe...
2002-01-13 - Hormones! And I'm drunk
2002-01-11 - Long entry about my eyebrow ring...
2002-01-11 - Brain farts
2002-01-11 - An ass-raping semester is ahead of me.
2002-01-09 - Queer as Folk!
2002-01-09 - Deviant behavior? Already?
2002-01-08 - Another lame entry!
2002-01-08 - About last night...
2002-01-07 - Is there a psychological term for an unhealthy addiction to yourself?
2002-01-07 - Big Pimpin'
2002-01-07 - I'm back! Again!
2002-01-05 - Ah, the last entry in the Fort.
2002-01-04 - Brightly colored fish gear.
2002-01-03 - PREE monster
2002-01-03 - Barnacles
2002-01-03 - Random thoughts before bedtime!
2002-01-02 - Eyebrows!
2002-01-02 - Random thoughts about my name
2002-01-01 - Self-realization
2002-01-01 - The morning after...
2002-01-01 - Festivities on the Levee?

Here are some old entries.
Here are some other old entries.
This is just one of me with a fish.
These entries may date you all the way back to July of 2002.
This is my aunt Ruth
Hi, I'm old.