1:03 a.m.
Quite a long time to do...not much.

This has been such an eventful, yet uneventful, weekend thus far.

It is Labor Day weekend, and for the first time since I was, I dunno, 9, I'm not going to watch the big fireworks display on the river in Cincinnati. But, things are so different. Of the five of us (the girls who always go together...Suz, the other Alyssa, Tiff, and Gina), two people have children, Gina is for all intents and purposes engaged, and Tiff's busy with med school.

Speaking of, I have come to the resolution that I will not get involved with a med student or a law student. Keep me to this.

Anyway, my homo lifemate broke up with his latest boy last night. In celebration (because for the love, the boy was getting annoying), he and I went to eat at Alfalfa's and then out to see Garden State. I highly recommend this movie. I don't think Matt was as smitten as I. I'm actually planning to watch it again on Monday. Take that, people against Zach Braff.

They could be out there.

With the password to my diary.

Today, Matt and I had plans to hang with Niki, but she wound up having to babysit, so Matt and I did dinner, played some Mario Kart, and finally wound up at Video Max. Not that I expect you to be surprised by that.

As far as things with Jordan go...I've really run the gamut of emotions. I was okay. Then I was freaked out and totally embarassed. Then I was pissed. Now, I think I'm okay again, although I still have no desire to hear stories of random hookups and the like. It's a little too soon for me.

So, my period has been MIA since I moved. When the hell was that, like July something? So, I freaked out last Friday and took a test, which turned out negative.

I never thought I'd anticipate an outpouring of blood and cramps more in my life. I think it's because I've been so stressed lately, but I honestly don't know. And I did have my super well-thought-out random encounter AFTER taking the test.


I've been sleeping about 3 or 4 hours a night all week. My body is still adjusting to this schedule, but there's also so much to do. I like teaching, because I like being in control of class, and more importantly when it ends, but it has turned out to be more work than I originally bargained for. My kids think I'm pretty laid back, though. I think that's a good thing.

My psychiatrist has switched my medication again. I've moved from a lovely Zoloft/Welbutrin cocktail (ha, I said cock) to Strattera. For those of you not paying attention, or majoring in pharmacy, I've been switched from two anti-depressants to an ADHD medication. I'm delighted. Soon I shall be able to hold a conversation with someone without flying between topics and expecting people to keep up.

I must insist that you all go out and listen to some music by Keane. It's amazing. I cannot get enough of their new cd.

That is all for tonight. I'm off to try out my new toy.


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23