3:48 a.m.
I need a hug. And a puppy.

It's a sad, sad day. Not because the pope died. Fuck that. I'm not Catholic, nor have I ever been Catholic.

If you ask me, that guy was always nosing around in American business and American politics. You run your little city, and leave running the country to us. Thanks.

I acknowledge that people are heartbroken, and I guess I might be, too, if I were actively religious or something.

No, I am heartbroken because the world is without an amazing comedian. Mitch Hedberg died on Wednesday. And of course, because every damn news organization can do nothing but post days and days of tributes to the pope, he gets no coverage. The man was great. I drove 6 hours to Atlanta to see him. He even accidentally thwacked me with his backpack on his way to the stage that night. What a great man.

One thing that makes me quite happy is the fact that Jerry Falwell seems to be in poor health. Thank you, Lord. I cannot wait till he enters those pearly gates, expecting a "Well done, my good and faithful servant," and is instead met with a David-Spade-like character..."And you are...?" Or, you know, he comes face-to-face with God, and God says, "My partner and I are really pissed at you."

I'm just trying to see how many people I can anger this evening.

So I went to see Sin City last night. Hated it. It's not that it was too gruesome - it was that it bored me to tears. I was really loving it about halfway through, and then, it just got too damn long. It was three stories, and you get to visit the first one twice. Oh, happy day.

But, while we were at the theater (the same theater we chose to see The Ring 2), there were ushers who kept coming in to check on us. I can't help but wonder if I'm responsible for that, you know? Now that I went out and threw a fit, people have to come in and make sure that there aren't screaming idiots ruining my movie-going experience.

In other news, I am really concerned...I cried tonight during sex. Has anyone ever done that? I'm having some problems fully letting go in the moment. It's like sex was always this physical act, and the emotional aspect stayed out of it. Now things are different, and my brain and my heart can't quite make sense of it all right now. I think this will be one of the first things I address when I see my new counselor (this Tuesday...yippee).

Now that Matt has been accepted into grad school, I have to find another place to live. I'm not even going to pretend that I'm not a little bit pissed about it. I just kind of thought that moving to suburbia would be the end of it for a while. Don't get me wrong, my roommate is my best friend, and I want him to be happy, but I wasn't even consulted or anything. It was just sort of mentioned in passing, like I should've expected it or something, that he'd be moving out. I don't like feeling like an afterthought. It just would have been nice to have sat down and discussed the whole thing, and, I don't know, how I felt about it.

So, what now? Casey wants me to move closer to campus, and if I end up going back, that would be nice, but all of the apartments near campus are pieces of shit and cost an arm and a leg. I like having a roommate. I like having enough space for things. I don't want to be cramped in some apartment where girls are raped daily and boys are throwing parties nightly. My parents would never go for it either. I am at a total loss right now. Did I tell you guys that there was a girl raped in the parking lot behind the apartment I used to live in? I just can't go back to that.

Time two that a roommate leaves my ass to live with a boyfriend. Someday I'll learn my lesson, I suppose.

I had a dream last night that I was sexually assaulted by some really scary guy who was sharing a room with Matt and some other people, and I couldn't find Casey or Matt anywhere. I woke up in a panic. Then I went right back to sleep and dreamed that it was already time for Gina's wedding, and I couldn't stop crying, so they made me drink a lot of wine beforehand. I don't know why. My subconscious is working overtime these days.

Ahh...I need a hug.

I have a stupid question: So, we have all of these rappers who have come out of Compton, and they're always talking about how much money they have, which I don't understand, especially on their first album, but whatever. So, they rise to fame and bring a posse of 80 people with them. This has happened often enough to make me wonder if there are any poor people left in Compton. Really. I think it must be a town filled with their mothers and their kids.

My cat fell off of my headboard the other night and stuck his foot in my eye. I thought I was blind in one eye for a few minutes. That was frightening. Also, he's learned this new trick where he can climb up my clothing in the closet and hide on the top shelf, behind the jeans. What a freak.

Okay, kids, it's shower time. Happy daylight savings, and download some Mitch. It will most certainly lift the soul.


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23