10:15 p.m.
Am I invisible in my car?

What's up, freaks?

Well, first an update on the shenanigans that ensued last evening. So Shelly, my roommate, comes to pick me up with promises of ultra cute boys from her work, and I am extra excited about this! Anyway, I show up and these people (I can't even call them boys, cause they were quite a bit older than myself) were very not cute. Obviously she and I have different tastes. Nonetheless, I still managed to have a wild time, as I drank myself stupid and Shelly and I drove around town playing our new favorite song, "I'm horny." If you haven't heard it, you should. It's funny as hell.

Anyway, tonight I spent some quality time with my best friend from school, Niki. I love this girl. We went to a shady little sex toy store so I could buy a vibrator. I know, that is an odd thing to do, I guess, but you only live once! So anyway, then we went out for my friend Chris's birthday to this place called Nagasaki Inn. It's this really neat Japanese resaurant here in Lexington. They cook the food for you right at the table. I thought I was going to burst, I ate so much!

I did try sushi tonight, so I have to give myself props for being brave.

So, here's a little favor I'm asking. If you see me driving around town in my little silver saturn, please do not hit me! For some reason, people do not see my car. I have been pulled out in front of so many times today!

Alicia and I played with our rat, but we still haven't picked a name for him. I think we're just going to give him a different name every day. Today his name was milf. My stupid lab ta is as cute as he can be, but he seriously has no personality. He was extra rude. Our rat scratched the crap out of my finger, too, and it hurts like a mother! He is so dumb. All he does is sit in the middle of the maze and pee on himself. Yeah, he is definitely going to advance the future of psychology. In the words of my good buddy, Matt, "riiiiight."

Anyhoosel, did you ever notice that when you have to pee really bad, you hit every red light in the city? I didn't think I was going to make it home!

I bought a wonderful CD today! I have been waiting and waiting for the Pulse cd to come out into stores and today I got it! It has the best mix of club music I have ever heard!

Well, that's all for today. I'm extremely tired, and still suffering the repercussions of my craziness last night! Adios, amigos!

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23