5:04 p.m.
Lies and Videotape

Okay. I decided last night rather than study, I should watch "Sex, Lies, and Videotape" which was on HBO. Seriously, now, I sat through 2 hours of lies and videotape. Where was the sex? Someone needs to change the title of their movie. I mean, come on! Didn't anyone else here see "Crash"? James Spader was in that one as well, and it was chock full of multiple aardvarking. There was no such thing in this movie. I was very disappointed.

Alas, life goes on. I was having a really shitty day today. First of all, I remembered that yesterday was my stepsister's birthday. Oops. I'm usually really good about birthdays, but why in the hell does everyone and their next-door neighbor Bob have to have a birthday during the months of October and November? Can't you do something about that? Oh, so then, I tried this beverage that my dear friend Matt gave me this morning, thinking it would help wake me up. That shit should come with a surgeon general's warning! 48 grams of sugar in that motherfucker. (I'm in the mood to curse - virgin eyes/ears beware) Perhaps now would be a good time to mention that my body does not do well with refined sugar, so I had to miss my first class cause I was busy having dry heaves and sweating and freezing to death all at the same time. Plus, I think it turned my poo green, but I think I've ventured into the territory of TMI there, so I will leave it at that. No, I'm not blaming sweet little Matt. It's my own fault for not looking at the label first.

Anyway, (shit, I said anyway again) then I happened to realize in my personality and development class while we were studying psychopathy, that my ex-boyfriend fits just about every one of those characteristics. I think the thing that weirds me out about that is this: Why would I stay with someone like that for 2 and a half years?? There's one to chew on...

Anyway, things are looking up. As I was sitting outside waiting for my 2:00 class to start, a class meeting in an adjacent room was watching "Monty Python and the Holy Grail," which you should all know by now, is one of my favorite movies ever. That cheered me up. Then I heard about a website where you can find out your five best qualities, and I thought I should do that, so I will now share them with you, so you at least do not think I am some sort of tropical nut.

1.Humor and playfulness (I don't know where they get this. I'm sooo not funny).

2. Gratitude

3. Kindness and generosity

4. Spirituality, sense of purpose, and faith (I think this one comes from the long hours of studying tantra and the Kama Sutra, but I digress).

5. Capacity to love and be loved.

Hmmm... How do you like them apples?

Oh, if you want to take this little test (I use the term "little" very loosely. That thing is 270 questions. It's only for the hard-core procrastinators) the web address is:

So, at least I feel better now. And I think Shelly has returned to our humble abode! Yippee! My roommate is not dead!

Well, thanks for listening. Or reading. Or some such.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23