9:15 p.m.
The insanity virus

All right. No one panic. Alyssa is fine. She had 2 hours of sleep, and she has a hangover, but she will be fine.

Do you know what I can't stand? People who talk to you in the third person. Like instead of saying, "Oh, I see you like to eat corn." they say, "she likes to eat corn" when there is no one else in the room? Makes me feel like I'm with Buffalo Bill from "Silence of the Lambs" - she puts the lotion in the basket. She puts the lotion in the basket!

This is not going to be one of my most coherent entries (like any of them have been? Whatever) as I seem to have two exams this week. I know you're saying to yourself, "How is that possible? It is already Wednesday night?" Well, I will tell you. It is because there are 2 days in the week left still and you should really quit talking to yourself. No one likes it. In fact, people are afraid of you. They talk about you when you're not around.

Where was I going with this? So, I'm supposed to be having a hot study date with Alicia right now, but she seems to have decided not to call me. That's fine. I will just play on my computer instead.

Okay, so I suppose I should comment on the Tiny situation. Uggghhh. I don't know what point in my life this happened, but apparently my head is lodged so far up my own ass that I can see out of my nostrils. There is a special place in hell for people like me. I was discussing this issue with some friends earlier, and I feel as though I am having an identity crisis. Imagine if you will that you grew up in a home in which your father was a minister and your mother was a sunday school teacher and your family was CONSTANTLY in the public eye (the public being members of the church). You probably would grow up to have lots of great morals and values. Well, maybe YOU would. I sure seem to be having issues here. I think that part of me wants the approval of my parents, even though my father is now an athiest and my mother does not teach sunday school anymore, but I think this is a topic for a different diary altogether. I'm going to write a book someday and make lots of money and call it something like "The insanity virus is spreading". Okay, so I try really hard to live up to these lofty ideals and morals and such. But then there's this other part of me - a part that is stirring and growing - that just gets off on telling someone something and having them cover their nouths and say "Alyssa! I can't believe you did/said that!" I kind of love being the bad girl. I get a total rush out of it, seriously. But then I'm not, really, cause if it comes down to it, I generally don't have the balls to really DO anything. I like to talk though. God, I don't know where I'm going with this. The point is, I don't want to have to change who I am to impress my friends and I don't want to change who I am to impress my parents. I guess I think they should love me anyway for who I am. The problem is, I don't think I know who that is anymore. It's strange how one night can create such a stir in your life. The bottom line: I don't like Tiny at all. And I think this whole thing needs to just be over. Besides, I met a fun, new boy last night. He's actually not geriatric. He's 21. Lovely. And he likes the smashing pumpkins, which is bueno bueno. Anyway, I think I'm going to ask Shelly for his digits. I love being the boy here! I look so good in pants.

Well, I must be off to study. I promise to have better info and news next time.

Oh, Gina just used an excellent word - peon. I haven't heard that in a while.

I will leave you with this thought: I was having a conversation with a friend of mine from my experiemental psych class and we were fixing to discuss plagiarism when he had the most fucking brilliant suggestion ever. Is anyone else really tired of discussing this issue in every class? Or reading it in every syllabus you've ever gotten? He suggested that all freshmen be required to take a course in plagiarism their first semester here, and then we never have to hear another word about it. If I were running things, that's the way the world would be. But then, if I were running things, every man would look like Dane Cook, and I would be the only girl. So I guess it's good I'm not in charge.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23