9:35 p.m.
I am so not gay!

I am seriously angry. This doesn't happen often. I would say that I am the most easygoing, happy person around, but man, my buttons have been pushed. Apparently while I was out of town nearly dying because of my grandmother's driving, Shelly decided to host quite the shindig with all of her extremely unattractive Wal-Mart clan in attendance. Gina opted to stay in for said party, mostly because she has a neurotic fear that people are going to have sex on her bed. One of these days I'm going to sneak in her room and do it. That would be funny.

Okay, moving on, I guess at this little fiesta some rumors were spread about me which are extremely untrue. I think it is the result of Tiny. Fine, if he wants to play this game, we can play a game. I'm announcing here and now that this boy has a smaller penis than my thumb. I'm not kidding.

Okay, that's out of my system. Let me just tell you that all of these people in MY apartment were insisting in my absence that I am a lesbian! I am SOOOOO not a lesbian. I do not hail from the isle of lesbos. I don't like the girls. I don't know how else to put it to people. Some girl I've never even heard of was insisting that on Tuesday night (my evening of drunken bliss at Applebee's) I was hitting on her and begging her to come home with me. Granted I was drunk, and yes I realize that I'm a damn horny drunk, but I would NEVER do that! Uggh. I'm so angry I can't even exress what I'm feeling here. Let me say this: I LOVE men. I love everything about the male species. I love cologne. I love the short hair. I LOVE sex. I'm like a bunny. How else can I put this to people? I can't even give myself an orgasm. How in the righteous fuck would I try to accomplish such a task on another female? I would just hand her my vibrator and come back in an hour. God! Grrr. (making a bunch of angry noises that I don't know how to spell.)

There is so going to be a throwdown when Shelly gets home. I'm irate.

Okay, moving on from that (because we are independent women and we will survive) I have decided that I base too much of what I do on what I think other people will think of me. This is wrong. I must learn how to be myself and if people don't like it, I say a big old fuck you to you!

I went to church tonight. What's weird is this: usually I end up leaving in tears because I'm ashamed of the shenanigans of the previous week. Instead, today, I spent the whole time thinking about this boy in my class. Actually, more like fantasizing. Dirty shit, too. What the hell is wrong with me? This guy in front of me was wearing polo and I was having some issues.

Niki and I went out to eat after the service and we discussed my issues relating to men. I am stuck in a 2-man dilemma here. There's this one person that I am sure is the kind of person I'm suuposed to bring home to mom. You know, we always see him at church and he's really nice, and I'm sure he's never slept with anyone and he meets all of the qualifications I have specified (yes, I did make a list. Apparently all of the estrogen has not left my body as of yet). Problem is, if I were to pursue him or whatever I think that would mean I would have to settle down. And I don't know if I made this clear earlier or not, but I seriously love sex. And I haven't ever really laughed with him. That is a big problem. Then there is this other hombre, who is like everything I don't want, but I am SOOOO sexually attracted to him (sorry about all of the sex references. I have PMS). And I am extremely comfortable with him, whereas boy number one gives me spaghetti legs. What's a girl to do? Oh, yes that was just a total Saved by the Bell reference. I definitely went there.

Okay, that's enough of my weird thoughts for one night. I must be off like a prom dress!

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23