5:18 p.m.
What not to do on a Friday night

Word to the wise - DO NOT go to A1A. Ever. I'm so serious. I thought I was going to die last night...

So, in an attempt to help Gina get over Jeff, I agreed to go out with her so that she could find a new man. Our friend Sarah (aka Diggy) was supposed to come with us, too; however, Diggy has jumped on the relationship bandwagon that seems to have strolled into town and she and her boyfriend decided that it "wouldn't be a good idea" for her to go out clubbing. Diggy is quite well known for her shenanigans at clubs - last year, apparently she met some crazy guy named Santos and let him do all sorts of stuff. (I was not in attendance - some of us are stupid and have summer birthdays). Anyway, we tried to tell her that it would be okay for her to come - that she wouldn't have to dance with anyone if she didn't want to. I wish she would've come. It would've saved us a lot of trouble, I'm sure.

We first decided to try out Club Chaos, which was infested with some nasty folk, so we opted instead to head downtown to good old A1A. I have never been to this place before, but I can guarantee I will not be going back. Frist of all, we hadn't even been there 10 minutes when my inner klutz comes shining through and I trip and fall down the stairs onto the dance floor. Nice. My drink somehow managed to end up in my hair and my knee is currently swollen and bruised. So, while we're standing off to the side so I can recover from my embarassment, Gina spots a rather tall boy in a white shirt and asks me if he's cute. Okay, as far as I'm concerned, when I've been drinking pretty much everyone is cute. It's like that song by the Bloodhound Gang..."You're pretty when I'm drunk -and I'm pretty fucking drunk" but I digress.

Of course, Gina doesn't have to do anything - this guy automatically starts hitting on her. Like that would ever happen to anyone else? I almost enjoy having some 6'1" blode beautiful girl as my roommate and best friend. But I love her. Anyway, then this guy (whose name is Jeff, too, by the way - bad sign from the get go) comes over to me and tells me that his friend thinks I'm cute and I should "holler" at him. Holler? I'm from the land of Ft. Thomas! We don't "holler" at people. I'm thinking that this guy is going to be some random funky guy, either hailing directly from the motherland or with some mullet. That is apparently the type of person I attract. But no! Old dude was extra cute! Really! So, I started talking to him or whatever and we somehow decide that it would be a good idea for them to come over (apparently Gina and I both had a section of our brains removed at the start of the evening) and so they did, which I totally wasn't expecting. So, this story is really dragging on here. Basically, Gina and her guy went into her room and started doing stuff (I don't know details, I don't want to know details, so don't ask) and he got pissed off that she wouldn't sleep with him so he decided to leave. My little friend, meanwhile, decides to follow me into my room, where I proceeded to lie on my bed and that's it. There was no action for Alyssa last night (which is just fine. I have enough issues as it is without having to worry about random guy troubles) but then I ran into the bathroom to throw up. Yeah, this is where is gets gross. I haven't been drunk enough to throw up since this one night at Shamrock's, but that's another story. That was like last year before Christmas. So these guys leave but somehow manage to get separated. I don't know how that happened. The one guy left his cell phone here, too and they kept calling it. Anyway, then they come back banging on the door because their car was towed, which was not our fault. We told them to park in the UK lot, not the gravel pit, but that's where they parked, so this guy seriously wanted us to give him money or take him down there or something. And he wanted to come in to find his keys, although Gina insists that he grabbed them before he left. Now, at this point, I would like to say that Tiny and Todd were over here, so I was expecting them to go out and fight for our honor or some such, but who handles the problems? Shelly. That is hilarious. So, I kept insisting that I hadn't done anything, and I was absolutely petrified that those guys were going to come back in. I was also crying. Isn't it funny the strange things you do when you drink? Gina and I also managed to get a rash on our arms (don't ask how) and I think I have a vague recollection of someone in the middle of the night telling me that I had a tattoo and was I aware of this? Who gets tattooed and doesn't know? Yes, I definitely know. Weirdos. I have no idea who said that, though. Oh, I would like to add that all of this ridiculousness took place when I had only had 2 drinks. I don't know how I got so sick. I can definitely handle my alcohol better than that.

Okay, so what did I learn from last night? Number one, I think my clubbing days are over. Number two, never leave your drink unattended. Number three, I think that I need to just lay off the boys for a while. I've kind of realized that I place way too much emphasis on sex. Granted, it's a beautiful thing and all, but I think that I might be involving myself in activities one of these days that I will regret forever and my entire life philosophy is that I don't want to have any regrets. I don't want to regret the things that I've done, and I don't want to regret things I haven't done. I think I just need to learn to make better choices!

In other news, my buddy Danielle has another date tonight with this guy she really likes. That's wonderful. She had one last night, which is why Gina and I didn't end up going out with her like we were supposed to, so that's really exciting that he wants to see her again.

Okay, that's all for now. I've written quite a book. I hope you have enjoyed laughing at my misery. I'm going to lie down now and pray that the room stops spinning.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23