7:25 p.m.
motorist woes

Dear Mister Man who tried to run over me today,

I am sorry that you felt the need to drive extraodinarily fast down Virginia Avenue. Due to the ridiculousness of the parking situation here at Royal Properties, I have been forced to park my car across the street in what I can only describe as a perpetual mudpit. This situation has caused me to daily play a game of human frogger. As much as I love frogger, I think if I get eaten by an alligator or run over by a truck, I do not have three extra lives on which to rely.

Furthermore, it is Halloween. Now, since you were driving some uber-expensive car, you are probably from some neighborhood in which begging is not considered kosher, but here in Lexington, the little munchkins do this little thing called "trick-or-treating." Say it with me. Good! I knew you could do it. In case you are not familiar with this tradition, I will fill you in. Children dress up as their favorite movie characters from whatever was popular this past year (right now, there is an abundance of Shreks running about as I write this) and go door to door begging for little morsels of chocolate.

We all find this cute. We here in Lexington think children in general are cute. So, on such a grand holiday, we try to avoid running over them, even if we are late for our daily massages.

I apologize for being in the middle of the road, but if you had not come flying around the corner at 80 miles per hour on this little road we like to call Virginia Ave., I might've had the opportunity to see you and not try to cross.

Thank you.


A distressed pedestrian

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23