1:48 a.m.
Goin to Pasalacqua

Oh my gosh, is all I can say about the hypnotist. Good lord. Those are some brave-ass people right there. Who names their penis Norbie??

Anyway, I got back to the good old apartment and I thought I was going to burst, I had to pee so bad. Note to self: do not drink 2 beverages and a water and not leave wherever you are without peeing. Does that make any sense? Nope. Too bad for you. It makes sense to me. Oh, where was I going with this? So, I love this fantastic apartment complex. I come home and there is fixing to be a huge showdown outside. Some guys talking about other guys talking shit or some such. I don't know. Boys can be so petty, you know? haha.

So the song for the day is "Going to Pasalacqua" by Green Day. If you can figure out why, I'll give you a star.

Good night, kids. I'm old and it's past my bedtime. Also, I must reflect upon the things I have seen. I need to become a professional (not prefessional. Sometimes I can spell) hypnotist. Just think of all I could do....

This is a late-breaking addition. Shelly invited Tiny over because he used to be a bouncer and she is afraid that the throwdown outside will become very violent. If I have to fucking listen to him talk anymore about being a CSM at Wal-Mart, I'm going to shoot myself in the face. Why do these people think that this is a primo job? Calgon, take me away!

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23