3:31 p.m.
The yin and yang of my day

Today was a day filled with yin and yang. For everything positive that happened, something negative also coincided, to make my day end up on a pretty even keel.

Yin: My 8 am class was cancelled! No discussions of animal mating strategies from Dr. Akins this morning...

Yang: Maybe if I had read the syllabus before showing up this morning, I would've known that and gotten some extra sleep in. To add to my frustration, the only other person who forgot was this obnoxious fellow who found it necessary to sit and talk to me for 20 minutes about his stupid paper. Apparently I give off the vibe to people I don't know that I actually care what they are saying. Note to self: change that.

Yin: In the extra time, I actually finished my homework for my 9:30 class...

Yang: I didn't have anything to do DURING my 9:30 class, but listen to Dr. Egan go on and on about something. (fyi: I thought I had ADD, but in one sentence this man managed to discuss tattooing, peyote and loss of a family member. That is talent right there).

Yin: He returned our papers we wrote on our families, and I didn't fail, thankfully; actually, I got a B.

Yang: I don't get too excited about getting B's. I'm out for blood. I want the A.

Yin: My 11:00 class let out early, joy of all joys! Dr. Taylor just isn't very interesting after about 5 seconds...

Yang: I had to wait out in the hallway for Alicia until her class had let out, which wasn't until 5 minutes after it was supposed to. All in all a total waiting time of 40 minutes.

Yin: To thank me for helping her yesterday, Alicia offered to buy me a tasty beverage from the local vending machines...

Yang: She needed to make copies of one of my articles and ran out of change so I had to lend her some. I should've bought my own beverage.

Yin: Tonight I get to spend time in my favorite building of all - Young Library! haha...

Yang: I have to spend it studying rather than socializing and people-watching.

Shelly has just informed me that if you buy a half gallon of milk, it's cheaper than buying a whole gallon. Really. How did the Ivy League schools pass her up?

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23