7:10 p.m.
more randomness from me!

Do you know how scary it is to me that an ambulance driver almost ran me off the road? He didn't have his lights on or anything - I think he was just in a hurry to get to the mall. It's not that I am distressed because yet another person failed to notice me as I was driving, but that it makes me realize that if I'm ever in a situation where I need an ambulance to rush me to the hospital, THIS will be the person to drive me there. Great.

Here's an idea that's fun for the whole family. Go to the Dairy Queen on Virginia Ave. and pay for your cheeseburger in quarters. Apparently Mister Man behind the counter doesn't appreciate it. But my goal in life is to see how many people I can piss off.

Ovid's was rockin out today! They were playing some serious 80s music, and I was loving every minute of it. All they needed was a little Men at Work's Down Under and all would be zen.

I had another weird dream last night. I don't know where all of these strange dreams are coming from, but this one was definitely odd. I dreamt that I was sitting in some lecture or something and the professor was talking to me, and telling me that if you only have one eye, you have no depth perception. Apparently I took this quite personally, as I assumed that he meant that I was a shallow person. I became quite angry in my dream and when I woke up, I was very upset that someone would accuse me of not being a deep thinker. I have NO idea where this all came from, since I have 2 eyes that work just fine, thank you (except for a little nearsightedness and astigmatism. Other than that they are great). I wonder why I keep torturing myself in my dreams lately?

So, bend me over and grab the lube, cause I am seriously fucked. My primo dad decided not to send me money on a regular schedule again, so tomorrow my automatic withdrawal is taken out by the Y, and I have a grand total of 19 cents in my checking account. I have no idea where my money goes. I mean, I go out with people like Niki and watch her buy tons of stuff and this never happens to her! Am I really that irresponsible? Anyway, when I looked in the mailbox and saw it wasn't there, I was so angry. Not the good kind of angry, where you pull someone aside and have it out, but pointless angry, where I really just wanted to beat the first person I saw to a bloody pulp. But then I realized there was no point in my being upset if I can't take it out on the person who deserves it, so I have calmed down.

Actually, part of what helped me calm down was getting to see some great pictures that were taken Saturday night. You know who you are - I just have to say that the "dancing" really cheered me up, so thanks.

I'm out.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23