4:32 p.m.
Turkey on a bastard? I'll take two, please.

What a strange, strange day it has been thus far. I arrived at my 10:00 class this morning, only to learn that our beloved K-Lo was in a car accident and has therefore been taken out of commission for a while. This news was relayed to our class by bad perm lady, aka some kind of midget troll (I couldn't quite understand what that girl called her) who instead handed out teacher evaluation forms. Since we got out of class so early, Matt and I decided to head on over to Ovid's, where we were treated to an unexpected delight: Turkey and Mozerella on a bastard. I just love freshly baked bastards, don't you? There was quite a hilarious typo on the menu outside; Ovid's was advertising this glorious sandwich on a freshly baked bastard. I really need to start bringing my camera wherever I go. Matt opted to inform the workers of this grievous error and by the time I returned later this afternoon (I'm becoming an Ovid's junkie) it had been rectified.

During my second visit, I ran into Sean, whom I haven't seen in almost a month, so I got to catch up with him. Seems he'll be co-oping in Texas next semester, and as a senior, has just now decided that he's in the wrong major. Yeah, I'm thinking 4 years of chemical engineering would do that to just about anyone, but I would hate to be him right now. It's so weird that I ran into him, cause I was just thinking about him this past weekend, as my mom and I passed the magic shop downtown in Cincy, where he has worked for about as long as I've known him. Anyway, I am happy to report that he no longer gives me spaghetti legs. Sorry, but absence doesn't really make my heart grow fonder - it just makes my eyes wander.

I love when the weather is cold and rainy like this, but only on days when I don't have anything to do. I think I'll spend this evening in my delightful flannel pj pants and an old sweatshirt and curl up with some hot chocolate and a good book. I've been really lax in my book-reading lately, mainly because I've read all the ones I have. Yesterday on the levee I went to Barnes and Noble so I could get some more. Someone at Curves recommended to me over the summer that I read "Beach Music" by Pat Conroy, so this is my new endeavor. I'm only on chapter 8 so far, but it is wonderful. The writing style is very artistic, which I absolutely love. People who can express themselves in metaphors and illusions just astound me.

Maybe tomorrow before I leave, I'll actually check the weather. I forgot to bring any sort of jacket or umbrella this morning and so I had to walk around in the rain, which I don't really mind, except that it turns my hair, which I work so hard at getting straight, into this wavy, curly, frizzy nightmare. Attractive.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23