2:49 p.m.
I'm out.

Good God, almighty. I will never understand how in one day it managed to go from t-shirt and jeans weather to oh-my-god-my-nipples-are-about-to-fall-off kind of weather. I almost love Kentucky.

Matt, I sincerely hope you took yourself to the nearest Goodwill and got a jacket. Or a coat. Or some ski gear.

Here's a little tip for all you aspiring professors out there. If you decide to show a movie in class, first of all, learn how to work the projector. I have yet to have a prof who understands even how to turn it on. Okay, also, if you're going to require that your students fill out a worksheet while watching a movie, at least leave one light on so they can see. For the love of Pete, I was in my stupid Psy 313 class today and we watched a video and I couldn't see jack shit, and by the time she turned the lights back on and I could see what kind of wondrous penmanship I had, I had managed to write in wavy lines all over the paper. Looks like a serial killer wrote the thing. Not a good idea in a psych class.

So, I'm geting ready to head out of here and get back home. Don't worry, though. I shall keep you all updated on the dysfunctional wonder that is my family. Saturday we're supposed to have Thanksgiving dinner with my stepsisters and their stupid-ass boyfriends. Now, if they were nice people, I would be excited about this, but seriously, they are so not. I haven't seen them all since the infamous "King's Island incident," which is a lovely story, but one I shall save for a later date. Anyway, last March we took my stepdad out for his birthday and Katie and Melanie brought along their boyfriends. All in all, there were 8 people at the Don Pablo's in Northgate (cause it's close to where they live - nevermind the fact that it's completely out of the way for us) and my mom paid for the whole meal. Now, if ONE of them had managed to squeak out a "thank you" to her, I wouldn't be so pissed, but not only did they acknowledge that we spent multi-millions feeding their ugly mugs (okay that was cruel. do you see the concern in my eye??) but they ignored us, too. Now that right there is a sign of some ungrateful biotches.

Catch y'all in the fort!

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23