2:08 p.m.
Hair loss and my diminshing sex drive.

Piss in my shoe! I'm finally finished with this paper, which is definitely a good thing, considering that it is due in 45 minutes. Blah. I can't believe that I'm fixing to go to my very last lab meeting for this class. Perhaps I will shed a tear. Seriously, though, I can't believe this semester is drawing to a close already. I feel like it's gone very quickly! But that's enough sentiment for now.

I am so freaking worn out. And my sex drive still has not yet returned. I'm beginning to wonder if it will. What I need is a weekend away with some good porn. I even got hit on by a beautiful bald man on Friday night (if you don't know by now that my perpetual fantasy involves myself and a voluntarily bald man, you have been in a cave or something) and I wasn't interested. I just wanted to dance by myself. What does that say? Who can tell?

We're even discussing teenage sex in juvy with K-Lo and I'm too fucking tired to appreciate it. Why couldn't we have talked about this earlier in the year, when I was more alive?

I had a strange dream the other night. Before I share it, I guess I should explain that as a result of my little surgical procedure, a lot of my hair has fallen out. I am extremely saddened by this, as I have always considered my hair to be one of my best features. Hopefully, it will quit falling out soon, but it has not as of yet. So, in my dream, I had this beautiful head of the curliest, thickest hair you've ever seen. It was gorgeous. And then I looked at the top of my head and realized that I had no hair there. Apparently I was sporting some Michael Bolton hair circa 1990. It was very sad. To counteract this hair loss, my mom bought me some Rogaine, which I am fearful to use because I've heard that once you start using that you have to use it for the rest of your life, or your hair will fall out again.

The only other solution I have been offered to this problem is eating protein bars out the ass. Let me say this: I utterly DESPISE protein bars. In my mind there is nothing nastier than that quasi-nouget filling. Who are they trying to kid? My body knows it's not candy.

God, it's only 2 something in the afternoon and I'm ready for bed! I think I'm getting old.

Oh, my lovely parents in their wisdom have opted to purchase a brand new DVD player. While I am all for jumping head first into this century and all, I don't understand why they decided to do this, considering that they are always bitching about not having enough money. Not to mention the fact that we do not own a single DVD. I am proud to own something so modern, considering that we are usually the last people in the world to have anything (we did not have internet access until 1998), and I think now we are actually somewhere in the middle. Go us!

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23