5:03 p.m.
My own talk show, vanity and self-esteem, and guess what? I'm smarter than you are!

It's fairly common knowledge among my friends that I have some bizarre, probably completely unrealistic desire to be the best at everything. It's pretty plain and simple - if we are in a class together, I'm going to do my damnest to score better than you. If I'm writing a paper, I want the teacher to single me out and tell everyone that it was the best in the class. Call it narcisisstic if you will, but this is me, so deal with it.

So today was a dreamboat day come true. Well, it got off to a shitty start, considering that Todd has taken to calling at 6:30 in the morning, while I am still furiously slapping the hell out of my alarm clock, doing some fuzzy math in my fuzzy brain, trying to figure out exactly how late I can sleep before I'm REALLY late for class. The phone in my room is not only the loudest phone in the apartment itself, but I think it might possibly be the loudest phone in all of central Kentucky. It rang like crazy and scared the tar out of me. I literally had to check myself to make sure I didn't shit my pants.

Anyway, remember how I said that I took that IQ test way back when? I hadn't heard back from the girl who administered it, which led me to believe one of two things: either she died in some horrible accident involving rabid giraffes, or my IQ score was so low that I was officially declared legally retarded, in which case she was too embarassed to tell me. Today, I ran into the girl, who just wanted to tell me that I did "simply wonderful" on my test, scoring in the 98th or 99th percentile on almost every section, and she wanted to set up a time to go over it with me. Ha. I know, she's going to give me the paperwork to become an active member of MENSA. And then Britney Spears will fly out of my butt. But it did make me really happy. I was worried there for a while.

Also, we got our experimental psych papers back today. I would just like to say that MY T.A. said that my abstract was the best in the class. So even though I may never be some famous singer or some such, I will always have had the best abstract. Yee Haw!

Now that my ego has been sufficiently fed, I think I can move on to other issues. My new favorite show is Trading Spaces. I really want someone to come in and redo some room in my house. That is such a groovy idea. Yesterday, they built my dreamboat basement that I will insist upon having once I am a rich and famous psychotherapist to the stars. It was this whole tropical island paradise, complete with a karaoke stage! Karaoke, people! I am the karaoke diva. You have no idea how many poor audiences have had to listen to my vocal interpretation of "Cowboy, take me away." Let me just tell you now - far too many. They also had a little tiki bar and disco ball, and stars painted on the carpets...yes! This is my house!

I made Gina watch it with me (it's our trade-off, cause she makes me watch A Wedding Story) and I told her this is the house I want. Her response was this: "Alyssa, you can get bean bag chairs at Wal-Mart for way cheaper than a thousand bucks."

Some people just don't understand good taste.

Niki and I decided we were craving chinese food last night. She actually bought my dinner, cause I let her use my power point program on my little computer, not that I was much help at all to her. But I never turn down a free meal. Anyway, those people give you so much food, it's ridiculous. I've got crab rangoon coming out my ass. I'm not complaining, though. That is some good shit, right there. AND, I got a free calendar. Everyone needs a China Hut wall calendar, I don't care who you are.

My mom called me last night to ask what I wanted her to send me in my little "study package," which she sends every year. Generally, it's loaded with chips and cookies and such, but with the surgery and all, well, all I've been craving lately is canned fruit. So anyway, she proceeded to share with me that my stepdad is out of town on business and she is upset because she will not be receiving any booty until Wednesday night. I guess, technically, my parents are still newlyweds and all, but really. Give it a rest. She even made up a song about it. If you ask me nicely, I'll sing it for you. But not right now. Cutbacks, you know.

Well, that is all for tonight. I must get out of here so I can get my butt to Hallmark to get my Christmas cards and to get a card for Anabelle, whose birthday is tomorrow. She actually called and invited me to go! I feel so special. For those of you who don't know, Anabelle is actually Andrea, who is Gina's younger sister. I love this girl like none other. She called to sing to me on my birthday, so of course I'm going. I told Gina we had to bring a kazoo and a harmonica to Bella Notte tomorrow night so we can return the favor.

She had no response to my suggestion. Boo.

Oh, you know what? I did have a point earlier with all that talk about being the best, but I just now remembered that I had one. Today in my psy 313 class, I was informed that only children are generally more well-adjusted than other children, and they also have higher self-esteem. Maybe I have weird friends. Okay, I know I have weird friends. But I know lots of only children, and I am going to say that they (myself included) tend to have the worst self-esteem of anyone. And I am pretty far from well-adjusted. What I think it is, see, is that we only children are just better at masking our self-esteem issues, so that it sort of comes across as vanity and/or arrogance, when it's really all about the attention. But that could just be my friends and myself. Who knows?

I should really get my own show.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23