10:57 p.m.
"I'm fucked as fuck"

I have returned from the grand fiesta that was Anabelle's birthday. Good lord. Until tonight, I didn't think it was possible to get kicked out of a restaurant, but that was my great fear this evening. Gina and I basically sat in a secluded section of the back room at Bella Notte, since the rest of the people there were all under the age of 20. I'm feeling rather old.

This is the best drunken quote I've ever heard, though: "I'm fucked as fuck." - Anabelle, leaving an answering machine message to some random boy. A-ha! I'm not the only one who likes to leave drunken messages to people. You should all just be happy that I hate using the phone!

I guess it's moderately stupid of me to sit here and complain about not having any money when I go out to eat twice in one day. Niki and I had lunch at Chili's and then I had dinner with Anabelle and her crew. I love, love, love the Christmas season, but seriously, now. What is up with the craptacular music they're playing?

"If they want me to keep this food down, they've gotta turn this music off." - Niki, commenting on the auditory entertainment at Chili's, which can only be described as "Bluegrass/Funk/Pop meets Winter Wonderland".

My little Shelly is the most super roommate in history. Last night, she and Todd trotted off to Old Navy, where she proceeded to purchase for me a pair of pajama pants. Pajama pants are only my favorite type of clothing ever! And she even got me green plaid ones, cause she knows that green is my favorite color! Props to her for kicking major ass. Someday I hope to return the massive amounts of favors people do for me.

Oh my goodness, I almost neglected to relay my story of the hair dye. Are you ready for this jelly? Okay, usually I have my hair highlighted, cause the lady who does it is really awesome. She does a super job, really. But considering that I tend to have little to no dinero in my checking account (and I have been forbidden by my mother to go anywhere near the savings) I have been lax in keeping up with my hair, so I was having some serious rootage. As attractive as I'm sure that look can be, I'm just not sure that blonde hair with dull ashy brown roots is quite the look I'm trying to achieve here. So, rather than shell out the 90 bucks to have it redone (Merry Christmas to me!), I decided to do it myself. If this were a movie about my life, this is the part where the ominous music would start to crescendo in the background. My hair is now some brassy awful shade. Really, it's going to send me into some form of a depression here. My new conclusion about the home hair color industry is that no matter what shade you buy, it will inevitably turn your hair either a loverly shade of orange or a loverly shade of purple. My hair looks nothing like the people on the box. Beyonce lied to me - my hair color does not shimmer, although if you turn out the lights and look at it the right way, it kind of glows a little bit. Boo. If I could meet these people I would give them a stern talking-to.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23