8:33 p.m.
There is a penis loose on my poster!

Do you have any idea how cool I am? Last night after doing my laundry, my obsessive-compulsive side came out, and I went through every single article of clothing I brought to school and separated it all into stuff I wear and stuff I don't. Then I decided that wasn't enough; what I really needed to do was arrange the stuff in my socks/underwear drawer - by color. And I also arranged all of the stuff in my closet by type and color. Woo hoo! It's times like these when I feel as though my little neuroses border on strange. But at least my room is clean. See, it's cause finals week is coming up, and I can't study if there's clutter all about.

In high school, we had this teacher who was notorious for his OCD. I'm not kidding. The man bathed in rubbing alcohol and had a different pair of shoes for each thing he did - one pair for driving, one pair for being in class, and one pair for being at home. Because of him, I didn't take AP History, which is fine, cause I suck at history anyway. My friend Tiffany had him and he seriously gave her a B on a paper instead of an A simply because the typing on the front page was misaligned. I heard once that he had originally wanted to be a priest, but they said he wasn't mentally stable enough, so he became an educator in the Ft. Thomas school district instead. Of course, this could just be a rumor, but it's kind of a funny one, don't you think? Besides, he was very open about his strangeness. He took great pride in the fact that he ate Vasoline.

I don't know how this happens, but I always manage to be surrounded by the world's strangest people. For the final in experimental psych, we are supposed to split into groups to present a poster of a proposed research topic, and my group decided on alcohol. That's fine - I think it's interesting anyway. But when we were putting our stuff together tonight and typing up our little proposal, my group decided it would be hilarious to type the word "penis" in really small font in place of a comma somewhere on the poster. I would like for everyone to note that this was not my idea, nor did I have anything at all to do with it! What a bunch of crackpots.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23