7:33 p.m.
My personal ballet about lunchmeat

My paper is finished! Yee haw!

When I was younger, you weren't supposed to say "yee haw." For some reason, among the band folk, yee haw, meant something that resembled "butt fuck." Don't ask me why. So now I'm reveling in the opportunity to say it left and right without someone clad in black and/or purple giving me a strange look. (Black and purple were the official colors of the members of the Highlands marching band gang). By the way, did I ever share with you that our high school mascot was a bluebird? A bluebird! Hello? That's just wrong. When I think of a bluebird, I don't think "ooh, how ferocious."

I have determined that studying for finals has about the same effect on me as being drunk, without the sappy love notes. Sorry, people. There will be no parcheesi invitations this evening. What I mean is this: Because G and I are soooo sick of studying (and the fact that Shelly has all of zero finals to take doesn't help matters any) I decided to put on my own ballet production, entitled "Ode to the Turkey." I think it's rather hilarious. I really have a future as a ballet dancer - I don't care what any of you people think.

I fully intend to waste the next twenty minutes and then watch Dawson's Creek before commencing with my studies. Perhaps it will be time for Act II of my ballet - "Oh the goodness of the pizza roll."

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23