12:10 a.m.
Boo and hiss

Thank God my internet is finally up and running again. I've felt positively lost without a connection to the outside world today.

I should be studying, but my brain has officially turned itself off for the evening, which blows monkeys, cause I have a final at 8 a.m. on Monday and a paper due at 10:30. Sorry to be bitching about finals - everyone's got them. I promise to stop.

Gina has officially sent me into a funk which will probably last me well into the new year. She sucks. We were sitting here, attempting to study, all the while watching some special on TLC about the top 10 roller coasters, and she was begging me to go out. Ugghh. No thanks. My idea of quality study time does not involve standing alone at some bar while Gina runs off with every boy she meets. Anywho, I'm trying to be uplifting as she's complaining about not having man.

Me: We will find someone wonderful someday.

G: Yeah, when we're forty and too old to enjoy it anymore

Me: G, wouldn't you rather have someone who was worthwhile, but took a little longer to find than someone who is just here now?

G: Hooch (for that is indeed what I am also called), we are fast approaching the holiday season, which we will once again spend alone. We are losers.

Well, shit.

Now I'm depressed, too. Dammit, I want someone to cuddle me bum, too! I don't even need booty anymore. I just want someone to stroke my hair and kiss my forehead and tell me I'm wonderful. And if I have to wait until I'm forty for that, I'm not even going to be all soft and loveable anymore. I'm going to be wrinkled and hard and bitter.

Screw you people and your holidays. I'm spending New Year's with my parents and a big bottle of vodka.

And some Prozac if I can find it.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23