11:21 p.m.
I'm walking on sunshine. And don't it feel good?

Another two-entry night. How do you spell procrastination?

I've been playing online all evening (when I wasn't watching movies - more about that in a bit) and taking goofy tests at I was happy to learn that my theme song is "Walking on Sunshine" by Katrina and the Waves. Yes! It makes me positively giddy to know that my personal theme song is one of those timeless classics by a one-hit wonder of the eighties. Rock on. Unfortunately, my inner rock star is apparently Britney Spears. What is that all about? Also, my aura is gold and my personal color is brown. And, astrologically speaking, I should've been a pisces instead of a cancer.

So, Gina went to Blockbuster earlier this evening to return Sliver and get Basic Instinct. It wasn't there. It wasn't there the last time we checked either. I have this theory (I have a lot of theories) that some older woman has rented it and she intends to keep it for a long time. Don't ask why. So instead Gina brought home The Opposite of Sex and When Harry Met Sally. The Opposite of Sex was quite a strange movie, but I think it's one of those you have to watch more than once to fully appreciate. I was that way with Fear and Lothing in Las Vegas, and now it's my favorite movie, except, of course, for Grease.

My package finally arrived today! Oh, that makes me so happy. But I had to learn a hard lesson - don't overeat. Okay, everyone must learn that lesson, but it's a special lesson for me since my stomach is now the size of my thumb, or so they tell me. So, this is really gross; I apologize - I spent the better part of my evening regurgitating a mixture of combos and canned peaches. Yeah, it'll be a cold day in hell before I do THAT again.

Seriously, where would you all be without my oversharing?

Exactly one week from tonight I will have a mouth full of bloody gauze and a head full of painkillers. That should be a fun entry! Here's hoping I don't divulge sordid details of my past to my poor mother. She already doesn't know what to think of me.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23