12:17 p.m.
Angry dreams, the "donkey dance", and no, I'm not going out with you.

Sorry about yesterday, kiddies. I was a little out of it. Mom is trying to wean me off of my pain medicine while replacing it with twice as much Tylenol PM, which just makes me a little goofy.

Okay, perhaps I should reiterate this point so I don't have to keep saying it over and over! I am not going anywhere until I look normal again! Do not ask; you're just wasting your breath and pissing me off. And I'm certainly not going to any clubs. Standing at the door looking like I have a misplaced case of mumps while you run off looking for boys is NOT my idea of a good time! Especially not when I could be at home listening to Christmas music and wrapping presents. Gina, I'm lookin in your direction here, honey.

I've been having the strangest dreams lately. In every one of them I end up in a huge fight with someone. And I've fought with just about everyone I know at this point. So, if you talk to me and I seem mad at you, it's not cause I really am; I'm just remembering that I was pissed in my sleep.

Last night, I dreamed that I got into it with a Kroger employee, cause I was trying to buy some freaking wine coolers and I couldn't find my ID, but I found everything else under the sun, like my old high school ID, and my social security card...they wouldn't accept any of those. And I was pissed. And the more I searched for my ID, the more quarters wound up in my pockets (if you know me, you'll know that I HATE having loose change in my pockets. Then you jingle when you walk, and, well, I don't want to be THAT guy). It was a very unnerving experience and when I woke up, I was very angry for no reason. Odd.

So my stitches are coming out on their own (I hope they're supposed to do that, but I don't remember anything they were telling me at the office), but are not completely out yet so now I am irritated by this long string that is just dangling over my tongue. Blah.

Oh, and happy news! After more than a month of begging and bribing, Matt has finally placed a picture of him doing the "donkey dance" in his diary! I would post the link, but technology eludes me, so just go to my profile and click it there. I promise, it's worth the extra 5 minutes! You have to see it in person, though, to appreciate the full ridiculousness of the situation, but I think the photo captures the essence quite nicely.

Adios, kids! I'm off to go eat some more potatoes! Who's surprised?? I think I may be onto something here with this whole potato thing - I've got to be dropping the pounds. I'll create my own diet: The I-just-had-my-teeth-pulled diet, and you eat nothing but potatoes and applesauce for as long as you can stand it.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23