1:04 a.m.
And Christmas fast approaches...

Today I ventured outdoors for the first time since Tuesday morning (The little Drug Emporium incident, chronicled earlier, left me lightly scarred for life), but nothing special. I just went to church (I'm coming closer and closer to talking to Ben, I swear - although I don't know that now is the best time for that. I look like I got in a fight with some mustard and the mustard won, but I digress). I also went to the candy store to buy some chocolate delights for the girls, although it's now appearing as though we won't see any of them for the holidays, because Melanie is a dork and Angela is a bubblehead. Gotta love family.

So, Christmas is coming early this year - we're spending it at my grandma's tomorrow. I'm not thrilled at the prospect of watching another one of my cousins' "shows," which involve wigs, grandpa's clothes, and contemporary christian music.

When I was there for Thanksgiving, I was feeling odd, like I know I don't belong in this family, but I'm here anyway. I can't imagine bring another human being into this ridiculousness (the fam enjoys broaching the "relationship issue" every chance they get). And it's not so much that I mind that; I get to play out my fantasies that I actually HAVE a social life, but they always want to know where my little prospects are 'spiritually.' Spiritually? For Pete's sake, I'm still trying to get past that whole, "So, do you have a girlfriend/wife/are you gay?" issue. We'll get to religion much later. Like when I figure it out for myself.

All right, kiddies. I'm out. Much love.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23