1:55 a.m.
Another random bunch of thoughts from 'Lyss.

According to all of my horoscopes, love is definitely in the stars for me this year. Well, it had better get a move on. I'm eagerly anticipating the arrival of a lovely boy on my doorstep within the next three days.

Isn't it funny how, when your horoscope says something you like, it's just right on, but if it doesn't, you say, "I don't really believe in all that stuff anyway." Well, I do. Oh, speaking of this, our Christmas Eve church service message was about common misconceptions about the nativity scene. Did you know that the "wise men" were really the equivalent of modern-day astrologers? Who knew? Well, now you know.

I forgot to mention that the bearded lady has returned to her post as my official meat slicer in the local Krog. She had a short hiatus for a while, as she was doing a stint as a parking attendant down on the Levee (this place is my new obsession, in case you can't tell). Mom had refused to believe me, that a woman with sideburns, a moustache, and greasy hair with black roots could be the deli girl, since she's only around when I go to Krog. When my mom goes, she gets some cute, flirty guy. But, maybe my little deli girl had to work two jobs for a reason - today her roots were done (although her hair is still greasy). Not that I am the foremost authority on hair or any such, but there are just some people that, when I see them, I think, "Man, if I just had a pair of scissors, some shampoo, and a deep conditioner I could do so much for you." I used to want to be a hairdresser.

To waste time, besides watching the same 4 dvds the 'rents own over and over again, I've been playing online like crazy. Here's a question: What's up with people who get online, are on for like 2 seconds and then sign off? You think I don't know what's going on? I know that you are only checking to see who's on to see if you want to talk to them! Well, I don't want to talk to you either.

Also, I was reading the archives of the unsent letter diary page, and I feel that there is way too much unrequited love going on right now. Not that it's anyone's fault - I feel really sorry for some of those people. You wouldn't believe how deeply they are feeling things.

So on to happier things: Today they were playing Ace of Base's "The Sign" on the local radio station. Now that brings back some memories. The other night I was watching VH1, and I saw New Kids on the Block singing "Funky, funky Christmas." Man, does anyone else remember that song? I always thought that whole verse about Santa "burning his butt" in the fireplace was the funniest thing ever. But I was also 9 or 10. That was back in the days when I thought Weird Al was a genius. (BTW, I still think he's funny; just not the staple of cd collection, as he once was).

Here's another late-breaking addition from Alyssa: Who would guess it? I have a fan! Someone actually reads my diary regularly (besides Matt, and I'm convinced he only does it cause I know where he lives and he feels obligated, right? haha). No, someone actually wrote to me online a few minutes ago to tell me that he is addicted to my diary. My self-esteem is through the roof, kids! So, thank you, Nathan! You made my day (night?).

NOW I'm out.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23