10:26 p.m.

So, I came to a realization this evening. I MISS everyone. Seriously. I know that I haven't even gone that long without seeing everyone, but I was just suddenly overwhelmed with this feeling that I really want to see my friends. I want to grab you all and give you a bear hug. So, I think that the very second I return to my home in Lexington, I'm just getting into my car and driving to where every single one of you lives and hugging you until you pop.

So get ready.

Also, I have changed my profile yet again. I'm into reinventing myself these days. Actually, I did it a couple of days ago, but never drew attention to it.

On a somewhat related note, I have discovered something about myself (self-realization is way fun). I think that once people spend time with me and really know me, they pretty much either love me or absolutely hate me. There's never any middle groud. People are never like, "Oh, I know Alyssa. She's okay." No, it's either, "Alyssa is way cool," or "Alyssa is a bitch!"

And what's really weird is that it's essentially the same qualities about me that determines this. Like, people either love that I'm brutally honest or they hate it. And my loyalty - now there's a strange subject matter. Bottom line: if someone disrespects, in any way, one of my friends that I really care about or my family, they are pretty much on my shit list for life. And some people love that and some people hate it. It's so odd.

So, the purpose of life anyway, as far as I'm concerned is to learn who you are, how people react to you, and to come to terms with it. So I'm on my way.

Sorry, kids. No sordid sexual tales this evening. Well, at least not yet.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23