1:04 p.m.
Deviant behavior? Already?

So, I'm halfway through my first day of classes and I'm already ready to be done. Is it possible to stay in college without actually going to class? It should be.

The boys upstairs...honestly, I don't think they ever sleep. Last night, they were banging around up there until at least 3 in the morning, which is when I finally fell asleep, and when I got up at 7:30 this morning, they were still at it. Or at it again.

Gina and I have a couple of possible theories about what it is they are actually doing up there. I think that they're doing the "worm" all night long. The worm is a really splendid dance move where you flop around on the ground, you know. Gina thinks that they are up there riding a mechanical bull. Whatever it is they're doing, they must be really good at it by now.

Shelly had to drag me out of bed this morning. Normally I'm really good about getting up on time, but it was like pulling teeth this morning - it was so warm in my bed with my t-shirt sheets and the breeze from my fan blowing in my face...I've got to stop talking about this.

I had the most interesting start to a class today. First of all, I was feeling completely alone in my first class. It's so weird without Alicia by my side. When you've had almost every class with someone for a year and a half, it's odd when they're not around. But back to my story, I found out that one of my fellow sorority wenches, Amanda, has Deviance with me. Woo hoo! We were sitting there, and 15 minutes into class, there was no professor in class. Then, the best thing ever happens. Someone lights up. Right in class. I immediately figured out that he must've been the professor (can't put anything past me - I know those Soc people like to fuck with ya) and, sure enough, he eventually got up and walked to the front of the room. And then he proceeded to chain smoke while he gave us the low down on the class. I thought that was really cool. I'm too easily amused.

I also got a chance to catch up with Willy and her boyfriend between classes. That was super. Now, I'm not feeling quite so alone!

Today is the day! After my 3:00 class, I'm going to get my Queer as Folk dvd! Okay, see ya later, kids. I hope everyone else here at good old UK had a good first day!

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23