1:55 p.m.
My remote suddenly weighs 50 pouds.

Here is proof that I have GOT to get my lazy ass back to the gym: I am so sore from that yoga class last night that I can't hold my remote. That is wrong on so many levels.

Also, I walked to this girl's car with her today so she could give me a ride back to my apartment. First of all, it takes, maybe, 10 minutes to walk to class. On a bad day. With a hangover and a heavy backpack. I actually think I walked further to get to this girl's car. But I didn't want to be left out of the fun.

Because driving in Lexington traffic mildly resembles fun.

So I'm a studly little slacker! I dropped one of my classes. But you know what? I'm not busting my balls to read a shitload of stuff and write stupid papers for a class I don't even NEED. Gotta keep the GPA in check, you know. Besides, I'm still full-time.

Can we talk about this girl in my Deviance class? Okay, she was in the sorority, so you know she is definitely mentally stable (right). This girl, we all called her Chewy, cause her voice resembles that of Chewbaka, is just too much for me to handle, so I'm going to vent before I scream at her. I've never had my own personal "mini-me" until I met this girl. She used to follow me everywhere I went last year and she actually started smoking because I did. Everything I said, every opinion I had, she agreed with, even if it contradicted something she had just said. Case in point: One day we were sitting around talking about a professor and she commented that she thought we was utterly boring. I said that I didn't think he was too bad, that he was fairly interesting. Her comment? "Yeah, he's not that bad."

Okay, I don't care if your opinion is different than mine. Have at it. I respect people who have different opinions and can express them. And that's the point - have your opinion, but really HAVE it. Don't be all wishy-washy if someone disagrees with you.

And the girl LIES, too. The worst thing you can do to me is lie to me. And it's not even a good lie, like a lie with a point, but it's useless shit. Like, I was telling her about my t-shirt sheets, and she said, "Yeah, my...(extremely long pause) mom got me some sheets for Christmas." Come on. If you have to think about it, I know you're lying. And why was that necessary?

She also changed her major to psychology a month after I changed mine to psychology. We both had been biology majors. I wonder what would happen if I changed my major to Japanese or something.

Okay, enough of my ranting for one day.

For midterms, we're throwing a theme party. It's all a part of the plan to get Alyssa some lovin. The theme, thanks to Casey, is "Welcome to the party, here's your complimentary lip balm. Beer's in the fridge. May I take your pants please?"

How do you not laugh at that?

Somehow I think I'll be the only one who shows up.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23