9:03 p.m.
Salute the duck

I was told to never update my diary again, since I apparently "shot my wad" with my entry last night. Yeah, I crack myself up sometimes.

But I'm gonna write another entry anyway. And I don't update every two hours - more like every 2 and a half! Bah!

I finshed season 1 of Queer as Folk. Holy cow, I cried at the end like a stupid bitch. But that's okay. I sobbed through Sweet November. Although I do have half a Y chromosome, I apparently at least have one functioning X chromosome. Or it's because I'm on the rag. Overshare? I try. What I really want to do is bond with my heating pad.

I had the most cracked out dream last night. And for once, none of you were in it! I was running the bookstore at the church back home, and I felt this tapping on my arm, but no one was there. Then I put my hand over the spot where I felt the tapping, and I could still feel it. All of the sudden, this ghost-like woman appears in front of me. I tried to shut her in the bookstore but she wouldn't leave me alone. Then this other woman (some church member, I guess) came along and the ghost lady started bothering her. Turns out the ghost just wanted a haircut.

Yup, definitely losing my mind...

"Of all industrialized nations, we rank 19th of 21. It's probably due to the Swiss. They read all the time - they have nothing else to do." - Dr. Fillmore.

The Swiss?! Can you dig it?

I joined a jazzercise class today. Man, I felt uber-sexy swinging my hips like crazy to She Bangs. Well, more sexy than I felt "Saluting the duck." Or the sun. Or moon. Kiss the donkey, maybe. Lick the eardrum.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23