9:36 p.m.

I'm in a really pissy mood today. I think it's a combination of a lot of things, most notably the fact that I caused myself a great deal of pain tonight in my Jazzercise class. I ripped out some very personal hair. Holy shit, it hurt. I tend to have a relatively high tolerance for pain, but this brought a tear to my eye, and NOT in a good way. I almost love it when my paddywhackers get mangled in my pubic hair.

Also, for some reason everything I have eaten in the past three days does not want to stay down. Yay.

Today, my Deviance professor (the one who chain smokes) was talking about how children have a lot of energy and, this is odd, he said childhood was like being on extacy.


Call me crazy, but I don't recall spending the vast majority of my childhood finding something soft to rub on my face and rolling around on the couch. Maybe it was just me. Or maybe my professors extacy was laced with speed.

I'm so, I'm gonna be spending a lot more time with this man.

Only a week into the semester and I am ready to quit. Want to know what I've learned so far? I've learned not to wait until the night before a class to read 100 pages of pretentious, repetitive bullshit. Can I have my diploma now, please?

Dammit, I'm grumpy. Sorry. It's my time, you know. All I want is like a hamburger or something to chew on.

Today I'm feeling like Daria. Don't ask why. I bought the American Pie 2 dvd (cause I need to spend more money?) and as I was leaving, wouldn't you know it? I set off the damn alarm system. So everyone in Wal-Mart could turn and look at me. Oh, look, there's the girl who tried to get away with stealing a dvd.

Eat me.

I did get a free 2-Liter of Coke out of it, so hooray for that. Although just before I went in there, I had decided to not buy any soft drinks this time, and try to only drink water.

But how do you turn down a free drink? And it's Coke, no less! Yum.

I'm trying to bring my mood up here. Oh, this is amusing. Last night as I was trying to fall asleep, there was this weird sex show on HBO. Hosted by none other than Maureen McCormick. yup, miss Marsha Brady herself, talking about penises and such. Apparently there is some show in China or some such where these girls do relay races and part of the relay race is to give a blow job? At least they gave the contesants knee pads.

Okay, I'm feeling better now. Well, a little. I'm still crampy.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23