10:57 p.m.
My tattoo! Whee!

The following quotes are heard nightly around my apartment:

"Gina, put the cheese down!"

"Alyssa, will you please stop mooning me?"

"Who keeps playing 'I touch myself' all night?"

"Where is that buzzing sound coming from?"

"What do they DO in there all night?"

"Oh my God! Who is responisible for that smell?"

It's all night entertainment here, folks.

I would just like to share with the Dairyland populace that I just got another tattoo! I am now up to, well, two! But I'm really gonna stop, I promise. It's just so damn addictive. I might show you all someday. Actually, I've already broken my rules twice. I'm not supposed to remove the bandage, and I did it twice, to let Matt see it, and then again so Gina could get a glimpse of the glory.

I have realized that it is utterly impossible for me to tell a story without using my hands to an absurd degree. So when I'm talking to you, probably give me lots of space, or you will be bitch smacked by my flailing limbs.

Also, I think my apartment is bugged. Every time I make some statement about Shelly, when I KNOW she's not here, she takes care of it. Just recently, I was bitching about how high our electric bill for this past month was, especially since we weren't even here for most of it, and then found out that Shelly's been doing Todd's laundry. Now, if you're a faithful reader, you'll recall that it takes our drier a MINIMUM of 90 minutes to dry clothes, generally more. If she's doing his laundry, too, it's no wonder the bill's so freaking high. Well, the very day after Gina and I had this conversation, Shelly told us both that she was planning to pay half of the electric bill herself to pay for her and Todd. That's not all. G and I always made fun of this bowl of elderly food left on our countertop and she has removed that as well.

Yup, she's got the place bugged, I know it.

Or I should quit watching Sliver.

I can't quit listening to Elton John anymore.

And "One Night in Bangkok." I have GOT to see this musical. I really must be a gay man trapped in a woman's body. I am way too obsessed with showtunes. When I worked at Curves over the summer, I ALWAYS put that cd in. Hey, it was WAY better than the fourth of July cd. That was gayness pie.

Nope, broke the rules three times. I just showed Shelly. Okay, from now on, the bandage stays on.

Until Todd gets home.

"I don't care, I ain't going down on anything that pees standing up!" - Casey.

No fair! Why won't any of my guy friends go down on each other anymore? The times, they are a'changin.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23