1:52 p.m.

I am officially announcing that Deviance is my new favorite class. Today, the prof, who shall henceforth be known as Kerr, was telling the class about all of the trips he has made to Video Max and how he and his wife look at porn together.

God bless them. Someday I hope to find a man who will watch porn with me, too.

Oh my goodness. There are some ignorant-ass people at this university. I can't even go into how angry I got the other day when the girl in front of me remarked that it's perfectly okay to stereotype people because it's usually right. So Kerr, in response, asked her if she would then assume that people with tattoos and piercings were sexually promiscuous and drug-addicted. She said yes! What fucking cave did this bitch crawl out of? Oooh, it made my skin boil.

So today, someone made the comment that no self-respecting woman would look at porn. Yeah, she didn't make ANY friends with that statement. I don't know what porn has to do with self-respect, unless she is starring in one, or something. Mostly, I just think it's funny. But I have PLENTY of self-respect, and the girls I know who also watch it are the same way.

So suck on that.

And then suck on it some more.

I just really am enjoying the discussion in there.

Okay, but really. Can we talk about Chewy? Remember me talking about my "mini-me?" I don't know what I'm going to do with this girl. I feel like grabbing her by the shoulders and saying "I'm not that cool, I promise!" Everything I say, she has to repeat. And she likes to talk to me during class, to make some really irrelevant comment. Well, I guess it's irrelevant. I don't really pay attention so much anymore. First of all, it's really obnoxious to do that at all, but I really also want to shove some mints in her mouth like there is no tomorrow! Ugh. I really wish she wouldn't suck on dirty sweat socks before coming to class.

I took a nap today in the Classroom Building. I've never done that before. When I woke up, I couldn't move my leg; it was completely asleep. I actually went to class with some super marks from the sleve of my coat on my face. Whee!

Sometimes I'm just too attractive for my own good.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23