8:08 p.m.
I should join the Glee Club.

Well, kids, it's that time again! It's that fantastic time of the year when I get to park over in ye olde gravel pit. Yee haw!

Honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way right now. Have you people been outside? Could it GET any nicer? I actually drove home from Jazzercize with the windows down. It's JANUARY! Oh my goodness. This is wonderful. This is the kind of weather that makes me want to go have sex on a deck.

Not that I have a deck. Or anyone to have sex with, for that matter.

Minor details, people.

And I feel like an old woman talking about the weather.

Except for that whole "sex on a deck thing." That's more of a menopausal thing, I think.

Of course, that could just be me.

Speaking of Jazzercize, it was fantastic ! We "banged!" (In other words, we did my favorite routine, which is to "She Bangs.") And this reminds me of something. When I moved into my room last year at the sorority house, I decided to christen the doorway with my name, as so many had done before me. But instead, I chose to write "Gina likes to slob the knob." Mind you, this was before I was aware that the Sigma Chi boys would be living there this year. So, in response, Gina wrote on my doorframe "Alyssa slobs many o'knobs." And Good old Willy, out of the blue, wrote "Willy bangs" right above it. So I have the feeling that there have been some seriously horny Sigma Chi's prowling the campus looking for the infamous Gina, Alyssa, and Willy.

Too bad for them.

What was I talking about? I really am turning into Rose. Oh yeah, also at Jazzercize tonight, we were stretching to that song, "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with." Only we changed the words to "If you can't be with the one you love, come to Jazzercize!" Of course, if I went there every time I wanted to be "with the one I love," I'd never get anything done. I'd just be jazzercizing all day long.

And speaking of this, just cause you all haven't been treated to one of Alyssa's patented overshares in, maybe, 2 weeks now, I thought I would comment on this nonsense. Now, really. It's not that my sex drive has diminished (although I know you were all worried about me last semester when that happened), but my libido now has this habit of alterting me to its presence at the strangest times. Not when I'm lying in bed and can actually take care of the situation. No, that would be too easy! It decides to make itself known when I'm trying to get ready for class. Or when I'm sitting in class, which is always fun. Or when I'm just out walking.

Boo to that!

I don't really have anything else to say.

Oh, yes I do. I think this diary is going to turn into this whole "reasons why I love Deviance" thing, or maybe "reasons why I hate Chewy." The only thing I'm gonna comment on today is the fact that Kerr was playing techno music before class. I heart techno, seriously. And not only that, but he was moving his head like one of those Roxbury guys. Life doesn't get any better.

Except that I'm going to seriously injure Chewy one of these days. But I'm not even going to go into it here, because I'm just feeling too, well, I think gleeful is the word I'm looking for.

If it even is a word. Who knows?

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23