10:40 p.m.
My parents are odd!

Okay, I know you are all expecting some sort of super entry about my crazy trip today. I feel like the whole thing was just a strange acid trip.

Well, um, my parents are officially infatuated with Matt. That's special. When my mom and I were in the bathroom at the Levee, she turned to me and said, "He's CUTE! Why didn't you bring him around sooner?"

Um, maybe cause I was afraid she would do that?

They literally went nuts. I've never seen my parents so excited about driving someone around all the best that Cincinnati has to offer. Once thing about my parents that is really cute - they definitely know the places to go and the things to do around Cinti.

The trip home was much fun (you TOTALLY can't deny that, Matty), cause I read to him from my new Cosmo. Nothing beats the sex tips.

Also, I bought a new sex book - "The Art of the Female Orgasm," written by Kim Cattrall (from Sex and the City) and her husband. Good stuff. I also read that on the way home. This book is much fun, cause it has lots of great pictures.

I showed them to anyone we passed on the road who would look. Kind of like a schoolteacher.

I'm a dirty schoolteacher.

And then we picked up my little roommate and went to Jalepeno's.

I can't think of anything funny to say right now, kids! I'm sorry. I'm uber-tired. But in a very good way.

Matty's my new favorite traveling buddy. No one else busts out The Bangles quite like he can (um, the boy can sing higher than me).

Oh yeah, I forgot to share the highlight of my day. While at the Gap outlet (oh yeah, we went there, too) some kid kept ramming her head into my ass.

Good times.

As I write this, Niki is registering for her own little diary. I heart Niki - she is way cool. Everyone needs a Niki.

But if she writes something weird about me, I will swear I never knew her.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23