1:19 p.m.
Ode to the Willinator

Can I get some sympathy here? Somehow I managed to catch some sort of cold thing, where I am leaking snoots all over the place and my throat hurts like a bitch! And I can't manage to stay awake to save my life. I skipped my 9:00 class this morning, which normally wouldn't be that big of a deal except that we have this little thing called a TEST on Friday. Oops.

I wrote to my mom about it, hoping to elicit some response along the lines of "poor baby! Here, let me send you some soup!" No, this is what she wrote back: "It's your own fault if you're sick! I told you guys to wear your coats and you didn't listen, did you?"

Blah. I hate it when parents are right.

Okay, I promised Willy that this whole entry would be about her, but how could you expect me to not talk about myself? It's MY diary, and I want some attention, dammit! Speaking of which, can someone tell me what I'm gonna do next year when I'm not living with Gina anymore? If Shelly's gonna always be with Todd, where will my daily interaction come from? I insist that people come to visit me daily or I shall go insane.

Okay, on to Willy. Willy, aka "the Frau", is another sorority survivor, the criminal mastermind behind the much publicized "Willy bangs" on my doorframe last year, and the only person I know who loves cheese more than I do. I'm serious. There is literally a picture floating around somewhere of Willy and myself holding a piece of cheese, which she painstakingly searched for while Gina was perusing the aisles of The Krog looking for roses. Hey, we all have our needs. Some of us need flowers, others of us just need a tasty dairy product.

What they should do is combine the two! Cheese flowers. A cheese bouquet! Hey, they do it with cookies.

Willy also really enjoys looking at my Abnormal Psychology textbook. I've determined that she is trying to figure out exactly what it is that she's got. Willy's one special girl.

Willy has a goat for every occasion. Think I'm lying? My favorite is Suicide Goat, although Formal Goat, Miss America Goat, and many others did make an appearance last year at the sorority house. I know, now you all think I've lost my mind, but stay with me. Willy does the best goat impersonation ever, complete with horns, bleating noises, and foot stomping.

Side note: yes, Casey, I know I'm far too infatuated with goats lately. But you would be, too, if you could experience the wonder that is Formal Goat.

Also, today she photocopied her own hand for me. I forgot to have her autograph it, but I will hang it on my wall, so that one day when she is famous (probably for destroying a small village somewhere) I can sell it on ebay and make lots of money.

Hey, it took a special breed of girl to be chosen to be an Alpha Xi.

Oh, I forgot the best part. She rocks Kerr's Deviance class with me, and I love her random comments. The girl is a history major, so whenever people come in with their blind religious beliefs, Willy comes back with some historical facts to prove exactly why these people are morons.

Go, frau!

Now, Willy, are you happy with your entry? Can we go get some cheese?

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23