12:45 a.m.
Trailer trash goodness and Drunken Willy


I'm in a better mood now. That's the thing with these hormones - they're like a fortune cookie. It's always a surprise and it never makes any sense. Unless you add sex.


So, Amanda is cracking my shit up hardcore. The girl is damn funny. We have determined to become the most ghetto-fabulous trailer trash ever! We long to be on Springer and plan to accomplish this task by sleeping with all of our cousins!

When we get our faboo trailers, we're gonna decorate the lawn with only the finest pink flamingos, old lady bent-over cutouts, dress-up geese, and some kid peeing with a hose? I don't really know what that's all about. BUT, it is very important that we still leave enough room the multitudes of non-functioning appliances and cars with no wheels or windows.

Very important not to leave that out.

Also, we were first going to take a road trip to the Grammy's to stalk Joan Rivers and Leon Hall, but since we are so uber-cool we have decided that we will create a NEW look, and THEY will want fashion tips from US. (Note: orange pants are not a part of this look.) No, it's all about the sweater vests, argyle socks, taped glasses. Only the sexiest for our breed.

Then we're gonna have our own movie. I insist that I am only played by Mandy Moore (cause I'm really close to being 5'10") and Amanda is going to be played by Britney Spears, cause she's so damn cute.

Also, Kim Cattrall will play my mom, and Mr. Big will be Amanda's dad.

All in all, I think we're talking Oscar-caliber material.

Yeah, thanks to all of you who chatted with me on IM tonight. I am feeling so much better (*a special thank you to Casey, for being a super help*). I even felt good enough to sit and listen to Gina's story about her guy and their date. I'm actually happy for her! Yeah, I knew the funkiness would not last.

In another story entirely, I'm talking to Willy, who is trashed on some beer. Oh my goodness.

"II m not dirt y...I showered today...itswas nice" - Willy.

She was responding to the fact that I said she was a dirty girl. Then, she laughed...


Oh yeah, it doesn't get any better than this.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23