4:05 p.m.

Talk about ambivalence!

I can't decide how I feel about my roommates right now. Well, I love one. It doesn't take much to make me happy, but my little G made me uber-happy ths afternoon, when, after I was bitching about all of my jackets being too big and frumpy, she presented me with one of hers. Hooray! Oh, she kicks serious ass. She says it's too short for her. Yeah, okay, she's also extra skinny. Shut up, I'm getting there.

I love hand-me-downs from my statuesque roommate.

People should give me stuff more often.

Okay, but I'm too easily annoyed these days also. Shelly disappears for how many days at a time? And she apparently came by at some obscure hour this morning and left an extremely rude note for Gina and me about not having our checks in the envelope for the utility bill all ready to go. Oh, too bad for you. It's not even due for another 4 days, and since when do we sent things in on time around here? So apparently her function around here is to disappear for weeks at a time, come home, dirty all the dishes, create a shitload of trash, yell at us for something ridiculous, and leave again.

Do I look like a personal assisant? Sorry, I'm not getting paid.

AND some of us are on tight budgets around these parts. Not everyone gets paid for meandering into work whenever the wind blows in the right direction. Blah!

Niki and I are planning to have a DVD night over here sometime this week, and it's growing into quite the fiesta. I might cook. Everyone bring your cameras.

Of course, when I say "cook" what I mean is "I may open one of those Chicken Voila things and cook it up in the skillet, and maybe you'll get some rolls."

Same thing.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23