10:59 p.m.
NyQuil buzz

I'm taking NyQuuil. I think there's something wrong with this crap. Someone put acid in my medicine, I swear. Everything is funne.

Okay, my mom said today that I remind her of Cathy from the comic strip. But the thing is, Cathy has serious neuroticisms. And I am not THAT addicted to chocolate.

Also, she says that my problem with the opposite sex is that I'm too open. I should be feminine and mysterious and not quite so willing to share about my feminine issues. Well, too bad. I'm not changing for anyone! Who would I be if I weren't some wild and crazy oversharing girl? Not me, that's for sure!

"You could out-weird a seven-assed monkey!" - Casey

That's the best compliment I've ever gotten.

I went to the support group meeting for the people who had my surgery again tonight. I haven't been to one since October, and I have two things to say:

1. It feels really good to be on the other side of this, and to be able to share my wisdom. I've been through the wait for the approval, the surgery itself, the post-op pain, the post-op depression (in my opinion, the worst aspect of the whole thing), losing your hair, getting used to a new life, and so many other things. It's weird, and it's exciting.

2. I am seriously behind the curve. My surgery was how long ago, and I've lost between 90-100 pounds. These other people had their surgeries like 7 months ago and lost 110 pounds. Or more! It's not my fault! Actually it is. BUT, from now on, I vow to drink once a month, tops, and go to Jazzercize 4 times a week! That is my pledge to you.

Okay, what else? I want everyone to notice that my freaking template actually says "flotsam"! I deserve a prize for having a groovy template. That's all. Where's my festive feather boa?

Oh, remember the dorks in my class? I think they're getting funnier. Or I'm slipping into nerd-dom with them. That's probably it.

Last minute addition - Casey rocks my world. Now THIS is the nicest thing anyone ever said to me...

"any guy, and I mean ANY guy, who would look at you and not recognize the beauty there, both internal AND external, just plain isn't worth your time."

Sorry, sometimes living with Gina makes my self-esteem plummet, but my friends are wonderful and I thank you all.

Now, I'm off to enjoy the last of my NyQuil buzz. Night!

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23