12:52 p.m.
Vagina night

Schmee again, kiddies!

The maintenance man is here. I don't like him. This is the same guy who said that the reason our dryer sucked ass is because it was backed into the closet, for which it was designed. So after I dragged it out into the middle of the floor, it still didn't work right. He can kiss my ass. Today he is here to replace my towel rack, which has fallen off the wall, and fix the sink. Hopefully, he'll do his job right. I cannot wait to move out of this crapheap.

I'm watching A Makeover Story. Here's another rant. You do NOT go to prom with your hair down. Boo. Boo boo boo! If someone had cut my hair extra short the day of prom, I would've cried for a year. Also, if you have no boobs, but big hips, a strapless gown is not the way to go. I should SO do this for a living.

So, tomorrow night, we're watching The Vagina Monologues as well as Hedwig. In honor of this, I'm officially naming tomorrow "Vagina Night." I was talking to Jeff and Willy today to figure out what to cook. Jeff suggested Sushi or fishsticks. Willy suggested chocolate-covered oysters.

I'm NOT amused.

Deviance was extra short today - we just got our tests back (a B, thank you very much. Not bad for not studying, don't you think?) and then we left! I love it when my classes are short.

Chewy has informed me that her boyfriend refers to me as "the funny one." One of these days, someone is going to think of me as "the quiet, contemplative one."

I promise.

Stop laughing, it's not funny.

I'm serious.

I'm off!

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23