10:45 p.m.
Alyssa for Band Geek!

Oh, fine.

Everyone else is out having a life. But come on, people! Friday Night Stand-Up on Comedy Central! Woo!

What kind of person do the people who send me crap junk email think I am? First off, I don't really want to increase my penis size by three inches, but thanks for the offer. People are already commenting that it's too large anyway. AND, I got an email today that said, "Alyssa, have you got a date for Valentine's Day?"

No, I don't really make my plans THAT far in advance.

But, holidays! I LOVE St. Patrick's Day. Now THIS is a holiday I can really get behind. I cannot wait. I wanna be a leprechaun.

Niki said something funny yesterday. Okay, she says funny stuff everyday, but I laughed my ass off at something she said during lunch. I was also moderately insulted, but you know, people making fun of me is really the best kind of humour there is.

So the conversation went something like this:

Niki: Did you watch Beat the Geeks last night? (FYI: Beat the Geeks is a show on Comedy Central that I find both hilarious and disturbing all at once)

Alyssa: Nope, was it good?

Niki: There was a guy on there I know you would like. He wasn't cute -

at this point I would like to interject and say that I almost appreciate that people think I'm attracted to ugly folk. Yes, give me a large hairy ogre any day. It really gets my juices flowing.

Also, if he has man boobs. Whoa, nelly.

Niki:...but he made a comment about liking the Chess Soundtrack.

Okay, that ALMOST makes up for the "not cute" comment. Almost.

I should be on Beat the Geeks. I have a weird sort of crush on the host.

But that's not why.

I'm gonna be the band geek.

First of all, in jazzercize, I keep adjusting because we are not in straight lines with equal intervals. I keep wanting to say "Scoot forward. Watch your spacing."

God help me.

Also, today someone honked their horn at me (the ghetto is fun) while driving on Prall St. Instead of being a little annoyed like I usually am, I thought, "What a strange horn! It sounds like a keyboard trying to sound like a trumpet playing a tuning note. A C. No, wait, actually, it's a B flat."

I could make so much money. That's a marketable skill, I know it.

Holy fuck! Update! I almost gave myself an aneurism when I realized that Mitch Hedburg (of SMACKY THE FROG FAME!) is on Comedy Central right now. Don't fuck with a girl with an obsession, I tell you. I'm recording it - good lord, is it necessary to wrap things in cellophane? Just opening the tape? I'm spent.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23