1:14 a.m.
My Vagina Cheerleader!

I slept way later than I intended to today. I was all ready to go to bed last night after a short trip to the 'Ho with Becky, Casey, and Kellie, when Gina comes running past me announcing that her sister is very upset and that she's going to pick her up.

Andrea was extremely drunk and had driven home after a party, which freaks me out. More than that, though, was that none of her friends had bothered to call her to see if she was okay.

I think she's going through a phase where she's feeling smothered by her dorm room and starting to get independence at the same time. She's just frustrated with the world, I guess. I went through a phase like that.

Anyway, I'm not prepared for such situations - I handed her a roll of toilet paper and a glass of water and let her cry. Until 4 in the morning.

So, today, I slept until 1:30. The only reason I even woke up then was because Niki called to inform me of the plans of the evening. We went to see "In the Bedroom." Geez. Now there are 2 extremely long hours of my life I will never get back. Not only did the movie suck entirely, but it was very long. Long and it sucked. Also, it was very bad.

And it sucked.

And, I didn't like it.

Plus, it was awful.

You would think that a movie called "In the Bedroom" that was rated R would have sex in it somewhere. Although I'm convinced that this whole scene in the end is very homo-erotic. Talking about closets and back doors and such.

Then, I went to the advance screening of "40 Days and 40 Nights." Now THIS was a movie worth seeing. Oh, I haven't laughed this hard since we went to see Slackers. Good times.

Something I forgot to tell you all about vagina night:

Do NOT allow Matty to roll your crescent rolls. Oh my goodness. For the self-proclaimed "next Emeril," he is not so great at folding little shapes premade by the folks at Pillsbury. I had wadded up triangles all over my cooking sheet. Geez.

Amanda is coming to Lexington on Monday! I cannot wait to see her again! She is the funniest, most random person I have ever met. She's my vagina cheerleader.

Sparkle fingers!

And with that, I'm off to bed.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23