12:57 a.m.
Princess Party

I'm turning into a videotape junkie. Seriously. And I was thinking about actually taping The Exorcist and watching it until I desensitize myself to it, but I don't think that could ever happen. Plus, I don't have that kind of time.

God, I'm so cool sometimes, seriously.

I had high hopes of going to bed early tonight, but I'm forced to spend the evening pacing in front of the dryer waiting for Gina's comforter to dry, as she decided that she needed to wash her sheets today and then went to bed.


I just really need some clean clothes, that's all. You can't go to Video Max in dirty pants. It's just wrong.

So, I'm taping Comics Come Home right now because it's the one that Dane is on. Hoorah! Oh, this is where Niki and I fell in love with him. This show right here.

Ah, memories.

Also, Margaret Cho is on this one.

Anyway, I thought I should explain my voluntary abstinence. The other night at the 'Ho, Kellie was telling us about this club you can join, called the 40/40 club, where you vow to give up all sexual activity for 40 days. They send you "cold shower" emails (I think the nasty fat guy on the toilet is lovely, but of course that's cause he has man boobs. Hold me back). So, I'm gonna do it. Nuts to you, Matt and Casey. Yes I can.

So, to keep me motivated, we're turning it into a bet. If I can make it, we're having a party. It's the "Alyssa is a princess" party and everyone has to call me Princess all night long and kiss my hand when they walk in. And I get a tiara.

If I lose, I have to buy Casey a keg.

So I'm extremely motivated to win.

Although I somehow feel that the only people who will want to come to my Princess Party will be Becky and Casey, but that's okay! We are party people enough.

Oh yeah, here's an overshare and a bit of advice as well. I can't take NyQuil during this time either. I almost cracked last night. Apparently NyQuil makes me horny. Who knew? These people must be stopped.

So not only do I not get any sexual activity, but I have to deal with a cough, too. Bah.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23