3:48 p.m.
Holy random thoughts, Batman!

This is definitely gonna be a stream of consciousness entry if I've ever seen one.

Stuff that is supposed to be sticky no longer wants to stick in my room. My 40/40 club calendar keeps falling off the door. Also, the label I made for a videotape keeps curling up. I'm thinking it's cause my room gets zero ventilation. Gina calls it a wind tunnel, cause I keep the fan on high blast all the time. Can't help it. I need air.

My email is broken. Gay with hotmail! Down with you! I must be obsessive and check my mail every hour and you are coming between me and my issues! Damn you!

Shelly likes to come in for about 5 minutes at a time while I'm in the shower and scare the poo out of me. Not fun.

I have to stop taking NyQuil. Last night it gave me the most hysterical fit of the giggles I think I've ever had. Also, I say absolutely ridiculous things to people. But it's either that or stay up all night with a cough.

Unfortunately my super trippy time caused me to sleep like a log and I didn't even hear my alarm go off, causing me to wake up at 11:20. Jesus.

Go me!

I have a gay test tomorrow, and it's open-note, which means that I am probably not going to study as much as I should. I wonder if they have any over-the-counter medicine to cure my terminal senioritis?

I desperately need a haircut. My hair hasn't been cut since October, I think. Holy split ends, Batman! I wish I had the balls to go in there and do something crazy with it, but I've never been an experimental one when it comes to my hair. If I cut a couple of inches off of it, I go into depression for at least a week.

Let's talk about my eating habits. I'm so bizarre. I'll go and find something that I really like, and not want to eat anything but that for a long time. Then I just get tired of it one day and I won't want to eat it for a year or something. Used to be Taco Bell meximelts. Last semester, it was ravioli from Fazoli's. Right now, it's Arby's roast beef. I'm singlehandedly keeping them in business right now.

Also, my test yesterday seriously assraped me. Hopefully I can find a way to salvage my grade.

Holy fuck! The Dell computers guy (the stoned one) is on TRL. He's precious. I could buy him at Talbot's. Really.

I heard that Christina Aguilera got a boob job. I'm sure that 44DD boobs will go quite nicely with her size 0 figure. Bitch. I hope she gets back problems.

The end!

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23