12:06 a.m.
Sappy poo

I have the best friends ever. Really. If I haven't told you I love you lately, I do. Isn't that a song? It should be.

I absoultely HAD to get out of my freaking apartment tonight. Suffice it to say that sometimes we all get a little annoyed by everyone around us, and I just knew that if I stuck around I was gonna turn into some psycho bitch. And it's only Wednesday, so I can't let it loose just yet.

So once again I invited myself to Matt's and we watched stand-up comedy until we couldn't laugh anymore. So thank you very much, Matty, not only for tolerating my grumpy-pantsness (now THERE'S a word) but also for helping me to feel better about needing to get out. I really appreciate it.

I got an email tonight from my friend Raquel, who I worked with as a telemarketer. What a sweetie! Oh, she was all about showering me with praise, and I was just not expecting to hear from her! It's so amazing the way people's lives can turn out so differently than yours. Raquel is a little more than a month older than I am and she has a two year old daughter and a husband. She's great, though. I can't imagine being responsible for an entire family. I can't even get my shit together for myself. She's the one who helped talk me into getting my infamous eyebrow ring.

Well, that's enough sappy poo out of my mouth for the evening. I found some Sixlets in my backpack, so I was thinking I would taste test them to see if they are still edible. If I'm dead tomorrow, you'll know why!

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23