9:26 p.m.
Happy Birthday, Amanda!

Oops. I feel like a shitty friend, since my birthday wishes for Amanda were immediately masked by my follow-up entry, which was slightly darker.

And I need something to do with my days.

Anyhoosel, happy birthday to Amanda! I would sing, but nobody wants that. Hee hee. Come to Lexington, dammit, and let me give you the traditional birthday molestation...I mean, spanking.


I'll buy you a drink. Yeah, that's it.

My phone is ringing incessantly with someone who likes to hang up as soon as I can answer.


I would return the favor, but I don't want to waste my long-distance minutes.

When I come home, I will call you. Settle down.

I officially have the best mp3 collection ever. I challenge you to be as wonderful as me!

Oh, Shelly. Hahahaha. She cracks me up. She brought me a class schedule book, which would've been nice...if it had been for the Fall semester. I'm actually already registered for the classes I'm in now, but thanks.

Geez, and I thought I was a bubblehead.

Oh! And speaking of registering for classes, I am so excited about taking Fam 253 next semester, which for those of you who are not in the know, is the Human Sexuality course. I'm planning my entire schedule around this class.

I rule.

But, but, but, but, BUT what makes it even better is that I've been informed that there is a possibility that Matt AND Casey will take it with me.

I'm exceedingly giddy at the prospect of taking a class with "my boys." And sex, no less! Oh, everyday will be like a joygasm.

But it's a maybe, so I can't get too excited, but COME ON! Can you imagine? How fun is THAT?

I'm off to go listen to my disco greats. Please do not call me and hang up. I will scream at you!

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23